\ prospectus





CHECK your csc.uvic.ca email regularly. I will provide interesting and important notices (eg exam dates) to you by email.

AND Check the course web page - http://www.csc.uvic.ca/~csc350/

This prospectus, copies of all of the visual aids used in class, assignments and interesting URLS are all there.


M,  Tu, Wed CLE A 201, 1530-1630

Office Hours: 1100 - 1130 every day


Eric Manning

Engineering Office Wing, rm. 329

Email: emanning@csr.uvic.ca (answered daily)

The Instructor:

Eric Manning is Nortel Networks / New Media Centre Professor of Computer Science and of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UVic, Director of the Parallel, Networked and Distributed Computing & Applications Group (PANDA), and former Dean of Engineering (UVic) . His interest in computer architecture goes back to 1965, when he wrote a PhD thesis on hardware architecture design principles to aid fault tolerance. Since then he has followed developments in architecture, and has occasionally contributed original work, because of its bearing on his research in computer networks and in distributed systems. Plus, he thinks it's an interesting subject!

He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the Engineering Institute of Canada, President of the Canadian Association for Computer Science / Association informatique canadienne, and is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the West and Who’s Who in Canada.. He has consuilted widely for industry and government in Canada, the United Startes and Japan. He is an Honorary Professor of South East University, Nanjing, PRC. He is currently working on the design of internets to carry multimedia traffic with guaranteed Quality of Service.

Teaching Assistant: James CALVER jcalver@csr.csc.UVic.CA

Office Hours: 2-3 pm Mon Wed, ELW A224. Assignments to be put in the Csc350 Assignment Drop box.

Prerequisites: C Sc 225, C Sc 230, and C Sc 250 / 355, or written permission of the department.

Recommended Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS 360, Operating Systems. CS 350 is much easier if you have taken or are taking CS 360.

Textbooks & Supplies

"Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface ", second edition.

David A. Patterson University of California, Berkeley and John L. Hennessy Stanford University

Morgan Kaufman Publishers. ISBN 1-55860 - 281 - X

"CS 350 Visual Aids", visual aids used in lectures and available at


I cover these far too quickly to permit hand-copying them in lecture. The thing to do is to print them out beforehand and bring them to class. There’s plenty of white space on the images and you can make notes right on your paper copies.

Course Objectives

The course will introduce the architectural techniques used to design and build modern high-performance microprocessors and microcomputers. Today's humblest microprocessors use advanced architectural techniques which were found in only the most exotic supercomputers of a decade ago; we will study and evaluate these sophisticated techniques. This knowledge is valuable if you want to 1] design a microprocessor (unlikely), 2] configure a microprocessor-based system (more likely) , 3] write code or a compiler for a microprocessor which takes advantage of the advanced architectural techniques (more likely) or simply 4] choose a microprocessor (very likely).


The course covers instruction set processor architecture, basic processor implementation techniques including microprogramming, pipelining, memory hierarchy design, storage systems, interconnects. Representative architectures, especially RISC architecture, will be discussed. Time permitting, we will discuss multiprocessors and parallel machines at the end of course.

Course Grading

Assignments 25%

Midterm Exam (mid - Feb.) 25%

Final Examination 40%

Class participation 10%

All assignments are due at the Teaching Assistant's designated dropoff point by 1700 hours on the date specified ("due date").

All written material, including assignments and exams, must be your own work. Plagiarism and Cheating: Assignment solutions and exam answers must be entirely your own work. My policy towards plagiarism is zero tolerance, for reasons I will explain in class. Evidence of plagiarism will result in a course grade of 0 (zero) for all parties implicated.

Late assignments will be graded by
    GA = G / 2n where

GA is the grade awarded
G is the grade according to the marking scheme
n is the number of days late.

For example, the grade will be divided by 4 if the assignment is turned in 2 days late.

Class participation:

You earn your class participation marks as follows:


*Obtain a head-and-shoulders picture of yourself (a passport photo, a snapshot or a photo

from the machines they have in K-Marts will be fine).

*Affix it to a sheet of 8.5 by 11 inch paper, 3-hole punched.

*Print your name and ID on the upper right corner of the page, surname first.

*Give it to me during the first two weeks of classes.

This will allow me to associate your face with your name.

If you omit to to do this I cannot offer you class participation marks.

2] Participate in class discussions. Ask questions. Offer observations

(to the entire class, not to your neighbours.)

Topic Outline

You are responsible for all of the visual aids and all of the sections/Chapters of the text listed as "Patterson-Hennesey Breaks or Phbreaks, below.

All exams will be open book (When’s the last time an employer asked you to solve a problem without reference materials?) and you will have to have a copy of the text and copies of the visual aids to write them successfully.

Topic ref to visaids Textref


1. Introduction PT1.pdf

.1 Computer as levels

hardware & software interchangeable

migration to hardware

.2 process concept & definition

.3 PHbreak: PH Chapters 1 & 2


2. Level 1: Gross Organization


.1 computer = cpu + busses + I/O PT2.1.pdf

cpu = control + ALU + registers

busses = Mp bus + I/O bus

cpu as interpreter


PHbreak_interrupts PHSec 5.6

**next assgt 2.6.8

.2 Flynn classification: SISD, MISD, PT2.2.pdf


Pipelining cpu

PHbreak_ PH Ch6 (lookahead)

Pipelining logic net

.3 Primary Memory Mp PT2.3.pdf

functional definition & current numbers

gate realization


PHbreak_history_ PHSec 7.7


.4 Secondary Memory Ms PT2.4.pdf

tape, disc

floppy disc


PHbreak_I/Odevices_ PHSec8.3

drum 2.27

optical store

CCD & bubble

Mass Stores

.5 I/O : a hardware/software tradeoff PT2.5.pdf


DMA/Block Transfer Controller

PHbreak_DMA PHSec 8.5


PHbreak_I/O PHSec 8.4-8.6


.6 Busses, interconnects &datacomm PT2.6.pdf

PHbreak_Busses PH sec8.4





block&character-synced I/O

PHbreak_ review_Chapter 8


3. Level 2

the Conventional Machine Level: ISP

.1 classical AC,MQ PT3.1.pdf

single-address architecture

PHbreak: MIPS ISP - Ch 3 (readahead)


CISC: System 360/370/390 PT3.2.pdf

360 ISP

.3 DEC PDP-11 ISP PT3.3.pdf

.4 PHbreak: DEC VAX ISP PT3.4.pdf

(PDP-11 extension) Appendix

End of Part 1


.5 PHbreak&notes: RISC architecture PT3.5.pdf

& the MIPS cpu

.6 CDC 6600 supercomputer

ISP & architecture PT3.6.pdf

4. microsteps : the SimpleMachine PT4.1.PDF

5. MIPS Control - wired logic PT5.PDF


6. Pipelining: the MIPS cpu PT6.PDF

as a case study

.1 PHbreak PH Ch 6


Level 3

the Operating System

Machine Level:

7. From Program relocation to virtual memory PT7.PDF

.1 relocation register

.2 base & bound -single segment

.3 multiple segments & segment box

.4 plus pages

.5 capabilities

PHBreak: MIPS chip VM: PH Ch 7.4

.7 **addslides** PHBreak:

8. storage hierarchy & caches PT8.PDF


9. Level 1

Microprogramming Level PT9.PDF

4. sequential machine models

4. control types discussed: {sync, wired},

{sync, mprogrammed}, {async, wired}

.1 control functionality,

microstep = f(order, tau)

.2 computing order and tau in hardware

.3 SimpleMachine & instr definition

sequences & timing diagrams

.4 (part of) wired sync control

for SimpleMachine

.5 synchronous microprogrammed control;

horizontal variety

.6 synchronous microprogrammed control;

vertical variety

.7 RISC blows it all away -

back to hardwired sync control

.8 Implementing the MIPS ISP in

wired logic: PH Sec 5.1- 5.4

.9 PHbreak: Implementing the MIPS ISP in microprogramming, Sec 5.5, PT9.9.PDF



10. Level 1

Asynchronism PT10.PDF XX

.1 Async wired control

.2 bus asynchronism -remember the Unibus


11. Future Trends:

.1 RISC - passing fad? PT11.1.PDF XXX

The CISC comeback?

.2 Multiprocessors & parallel machines PT11.2.PDF XXX

.3 the end of microelectronic progress? PT11.3.PDF XX

.4 no more clocks - asynchronous design PT11.4.PDF XX

Grade Conversion:

Numerical scores may be adjusted to achieve a satisfactory distributioin of grades, owing to the difficulty of predicting just how easy or difficult students may find a given examination.

Numerical scores will be converted to letter grades as follows:

Over-all Course % Grade Assigned Letter Grade

90 - 100 A+

85 - 89 A

80 - 84 A-

75 - 79 B+

70 - 74 B

65 - 69 B-

60 - 64 C+

55 - 59 C

50 - 54 D

< 50 F

The dividing lines between letter grades may be lowered by up to 3% to account for natural breaks in the numeric scores. Note that there will be no retests and no E grades in this course.

You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course.


These guidelines concern the type of fraud where a student presents another's work as his or her own, or allows another to do so.

1. As fraud invalidates the evaluation of a student's progress, it is the duty of instructors, teaching assistants, and laboratory assistants to take measures to prevent fraud and to be vigilant towards symptoms of fraud.

2. Students are encouraged to study together. But, unless the contrary is indicated, submitted work is to be done by students individually.

The sharing of program code electronically or by other means is forbidden unless specifically approved in advance by the course instructor.

Students are to collaborate on submitted work only when this is explicitly permitted by the instructor. In such a case, the names of all students who have collaborated on a piece of submitted work should be indicated on all submitted material.

As in all academic endeavour, due credit must be given to all reference material. Students should consult the course instructor if they are not certain which outside material is appropriate for use in a course.

The collaboration is to involve reasonable effort on the part of all students involved. In a situation where this is clearly not the case, appropriate action will be taken with regard to those students who have not fully contributed to the collaborative effort.

3. In case fraud is detected, credit is withheld from the work affected. The students involved are reported to the Department Chair who may take additional disciplinary action commensurate with the severity of the fraud and the past records of the students. Actions that may be taken include: no marks for the piece of work; failure in the course; or, in repeat cases, withdrawal from the program or the University.