


SPRING TERM 2000 - 01

DO this first: Send email to emanning @csr. Write "CS 462" as the subject of the message. This will get your userid on the course email distribution list. I will provide interesting and important notices (eg exam dates) to you by email.


COR A 148 1300-1430 M Tu W

Normally we'll quit after an hour. When we have to make up a class owing to illness or tavel commitments we'll use the entire 90 minutes.


Eric Manning

Engineering Office Wing, rm. 329

Telephone: 721-6044 (answered rarely )

Email: (answered daily)

Office Hours: 1100 -1130 MTuW

The Instructor:

Eric Manning is New Media Institute / Nortel Networks Professor of Network Performance in Computer Science and  Electrical and Computer Engineering at UVic, Director of the Parallel, Networked and Distributed Computing & Applications Group (PANDA), and former Dean of Engineering (UVic) . His interest in distributed systems goes back to the early 1970s, when he did some of the earliest work on machine transparency and data management for distributed systems. He continued with work on protection and kernels, and on distributed simulation in the 1980s, and on distributed multimedia problems, especially QoS, in the 1990s. He and his students are currently studying the problems of redesigning the architecture of the Internet to provide guaranteed Quality of Service for multimedia traffic.

He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the Engineering Institute of Canada, Past President of the Canadian Association for Computer Science / Association informatique canadienne, and is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the West and Who’s Who in Canada.. He has consuilted widely for industry and government in Canada, the United States, Viet Nam and Japan. He is an Honorary Professor of South East University, Nanjing, PRC.

 Teaching Assistant(s)

 Melis Dagnipar

Office and Hours:

 Friday 9:30-12:30 & 3:30-4:30. at Rigi lab in ELW 2nd floor

Prerequisites: C Sc 225, C Sc 230, and C Sc 250 / 355, CS 350, CS 360, CS 450 or CENG 460, or written permission of the department.

Textbooks & Supplies

 1.Distributed Systems, Concepts and Design, Coulouris et al, A-W, 2nd edition. Bookstore.

2.Designing Reliable Network Applications, K P Birman, P-H. Out of Print, alas.       Photocopies of relevent sections available in bookstore.

You should buy a copy of both of these.

"CS 462 Visual Aids", visual aids used in lectures and available below.

I cover these far too quickly to permit hand-copying them in lecture. The thing to do is to print them out beforehand (or download to your laptop ) and bring them to class. There’s plenty of white space on the images and you can make notes right on your paper copies.

Course Grading

 Please see the Official Course Web Page.

You are responsible for all of the visual aids and all of the sections/Chapters of the text listed, under Copies of slides used in lectures.

All exams will be open book (When’s the last time an employer asked you to solve a problem without reference materials?) and you will have to have a copy of the text and copies of the visual aids to write them successfully.

Grade Conversion:

Numerical scores may be adjusted to achieve a satisfactory distributioin of grades, owing to the difficulty of predicting just how easy or difficult students may find a given examination.

Numerical scores will be converted to letter grades as follows:

Over-all Course % Grade Assigned Letter Grade

90 - 100 A+

85 - 89 A

80 - 84 A-

75 - 79 B+

70 - 74 B

65 - 69 B-

60 - 64 C+

55 - 59 C

50 - 54 D

< 50 F

The dividing lines between letter grades may be lowered by up to 3% to account for natural breaks in the numeric scores. Note that there will be no retests and no E grades in this course.

You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course.


Term marks, provisional final grades, and final grades, will be posted by student number minus the first two digits with no name. These postings are for your information and for your validation of the data entry. If you do not wish your term marks and grades publically posted in this manner, please notify the course instructor by e-mail no later than


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