FALL 2002


Course Web Page :

Reference Material

Lab Assignments

Information on getting started in the labs may be found here

Lab assignments are due at the start of your lab class. In total they count 20%. No late assignments will be accepted.

If you need help with lab assignments, the Consultants Office in ELW B210 is intended precisely for this purpose. Feel free to ask a consultant for help with any programming problems you may have.

  • lab 1 DRAFT VERSION. Not for credit
  • lab 2 DRAFT VERSION. Not for credit
  • lab 3 DRAFT VERSION. Due the week of Sept 30
  • lab 4 DRAFT VERSION. Due the week of Oct 7

Exam Information

Note : No books, course notes, calculators or any other aids are permitted for the midterm and final examinations.

  • Midterm (counts 20%)
    • F01 - Tuesday, Oct 22, in class
    • F02, F03 - Monday, Oct 21, in class

Lab Instructors Section

Current marks are posted here

Lab assignment guidelines

  • Include appropriate comments in your programs, as described in the Java Coding Guidelines - p.705 - Appendix G.
  • You need not submit your html files.
  • You must staple your submitted work. You will lose marks for unstapled submissions.
  • Write your UVic id and lab section on EVERY page