Frank Ruskey's Homepage
Hello, and welcome to my home page which, of course,
is perpetually under construction.
This is one of the few home pages that's actually been around since 1995;
please excuse its dated appearance.
Below you will find, among other things, some of my papers, some websites
I built, some chapters from the book I'm writing, some information on
generating combinatorial objects, and some of my favorite WWW sites.
(Please note that I am retired since 2019.)
My mathematical friends tell me I'm a computer scientist;
my computer scientist friends tell me I'm a mathematician.
What am I?
A computational combinatorist?
Below are some publications; you decide.

A minimum area Venn diagram with 12 curves artistically rendered.
Selected Publications
Many of my more recent publications
are online and can be downloaded.
My Students
I have had the pleasure of supervising many excellent students
over the years. Here is a list.
Get Your Free Objects Here
The Combinatorial Object
Server allows you to obtain lists of combinatorial objects,
including various types of permutations and combinations, set and
numerical partitions, linear extensions and ideals of
posets, trees, solutions to pentomino puzzles, and so on.
This website is no longer functional, but it was a precursor to a very nice site that is
functioning. Please visit COS++.
Venn Diagrams
Venn diagrams are not entirely trivial.
I produced an entire
about them, and the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics published it!
Those two pretty circular designs at the top of the page are, in fact,
newly discovered Venn diagrams.
Latest version is
The official ElJC version is here.
Cayley Graphs
Cayley graphs are of great interest to graph theorists and
to discrete mathematicians in general. Together with my student
Scott Effler, we have started to catalog small (if you consider 9! small)
cubic Cayley graphs according to Hamiltonicity, diameter, and smallest
odd cycle. The link is
Recent and upcoming conferences with which I'm associated
(program/organizing committee or plenary/keynote speaker)
Diagrams 2008,
Diagrams 2008,
Fifth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams,
Herrsching, Germany.
Member of the program committee.
ISAAC 2008,
The 19th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation,
Gold coast, Australia, Dec 15-17, 2008.
Member of the program committee.
CATS 2009,
Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium,
Wellington, New Zealand, January 20-23, 2009.
Member of the program committee.
Second Canadian Discrete
and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference,
CRM Montreal, May 25-29, 2009.
Member of the organizing committee.
VLL Workshop 2009,
Workshop on Visual Languages and Logic,
Corvallis, Oregon, September 20, 2009.
Keynote speaker.
Diagrams 2010,
Diagrams 2010, Sixth International Conference on the Theory
and Application of Diagrams, Portland, Oregon, August 9-11, 2010.
Program committee.
ISAAC 2010,
ISAAC 2010, The 21st International Symposium of Algorithms
and Computation (ISAAC 2010),
Jeju Island, South Korea, December 9-11, 2010.
Program committee.
Mathematics of Klee and Grunbaum: 100 Years in Seattle,
University of Washington, Seattle.
July 28-30, 2010,
Invited speaker.
GASCOM 2010:
(Generation Aleatoire des Structures COMbinatoires),
September 2-4, Montreal.
Invited Speaker.
Canadian Mathematics Society Winter Meeting, December 2010,
CMS Winter 2010,
speaker in the Discrete Mathematics Session.
IWOCA 2011
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
(IWOCA 2011),
June 20-22, 2011, Victoria, Canada.
Program committee and organizing committee.
WAGT 2011
2nd Annual Workshop on Algorithmic Graph Theory,
(WAGT 2011),
May 16-19, Nipissing, Ontario.
Invited speaker.
Diagrams 2012,
Diagrams 2012, Seventh International Conference on the Theory
and Application of Diagrams, Canterbury, England, August 9-11, 2012.
Program committee.
IWOCA 2012,
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
(IWOCA 2012),
Kalasalingam University, India.
Program committee.
ACCMCC 2012,
The 36th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and
Combinatorial Computing
ACCMCC 2012,
UNSW, Sydney, Australia, December 10-14, 2012.
Invited speaker.
ED 2012,
3rd International Workshop on Euler Diagrams.
Associated with Diagrams 2012.
Program committee.
CanaDAM 2013,
The 4th biennial
Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic
Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM),
June 10-13, 2013, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
Chair of the Executive Committee.
IRMACS 2012,
Computational Math Day, SFU, Invited speaker.
IWOCA 2013,
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
(IWOCA 2013),
July 10-12, Universite de Rouen, France.
Program committee.
Ontario Combinatorics Day, 2013,
May 16-18, Nipissing, Ontario, Invited speaker.
Diagrams 2014,
Diagrams 2014, Eighth International Conference on the Theory
and Application of Diagrams, Melbourne, Australia, August, 2014,
Program committee.
ED 2014,
4th International Workshop on Euler Diagrams,
July 28, 2014. Associated with Diagrams 2014. Program committee.
GASCOM 2014:
(Generation Aleatoire des Structures COMbinatoires),
June 22-25, Bertinoro, Italy.
Program Committee.
IWOCA 2014,
25th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
(IWOCA 2014),
July 10-12, Duluth, Minnesota, USA.
Program committee.
LATA 2014,
9th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
(LATA 2015),
Nice, France, March 2-6, 2015.
Program committee.
CoCoA 2015
Combinatorics and Computer Algebra
(CoCoA 2015),
July 19-25, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
Invited speaker.
IWOCA 2015,
26th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
(IWOCA 2014),
October 5-7, Verona, Italy.
Program committee.
IWOCA 2015,
26th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
(IWOCA 2015),
October 5-7, Verona, Italy.
One of 3 invited speakers.
(My talk.)
Older Conferences
My Courses
My courses during academic year 2017-2018
My courses during academic year 2016-2017
My courses during academic year 2015-2016
My courses during academic year 2013-2014
My courses during academic year 2012-2013
My courses during academic year 2011-2012
My courses during academic year 2010-2011
Some greetings that I have sent
out over the years.
Frank Ruskey
Department of Computer Science
University of Victoria
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P6