Transition Restricted Gray Codes

Bette Bultena, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada.
Frank Ruskey, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada.


A Gray code is a Hamilton path H on the n-cube, Q(n). By labeling each edge of Q(n) with the dimension that changes between its incident vertices, a Gray code can be thought of as a sequence H = t(1),t(2),...,t(N-1) (with N = 2n and each t(i) satisfying 1 < t(i) < n). The sequence H defines an (undirected) graph of transitions, G[H], whose vertices are {1,2,...,n} and with edge set E(G[H]) = { [t(i),t(i+1)] | 1 < i < N-1 }. A G-code is a Hamilton path H whose graph of transitions is a subgraph of G; if H is a Hamilton cycle then it is a cyclic G-code. The classic binary reflected Gray code is a cyclic K_{1,n}-code. We prove that every tree T of diameter 4 has a T-code, and that no tree T of diameter 3 has a T-code.

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