Notes. ------ 1. To untar the posted file do: gtar zxvf projectFALL06.gtar 2. You will find there an example Java program ( for populating the movie table using the mains243.xml file. 3. The create table for the movies is in movies.sql. 4. The other Java program, is a simple program which echoes a given xml on the screen. It is for checking the well-formedness of xml files. 5. The well formed xml files are: actors63.xml casts124.xml mains243.xml people55.xml remakes05.xml 6. To compile: Movie 7. To run: Movie mains243.xml 8. Provide your Oracle username and password in: conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("", "yourusername","yourpassword"); in 9. The part of the XML tutorial needed for following the example is: