Program for checking your project results

I wrote a program compare.c that you can use for comparing results from various algorithms for your dominating set project. You may use it as part of your research for the class. You can use the tables it generates in your reports. You may not distribute the code to anyone else. You may not upload the code to the internet. You can get the code from the resources section on connex.

You can use it to compare your exact algorithm results to mine. It is also very useful in comparing various heuristics to each other and to the exact algorithm results.

The program will check to ensure your output files are in the correct format. If not, or if you have a dominating set that is not correct, you will see an error message. It is your responsibility to ensure your output files are in the correct format (without anything else printing). Check them with this program to make sure they are OK before submitting. I am going to use this program to evaluate the quality of your results when marking the project.

To compile:
gcc compare.c
If you just type the name of your executable file, it will tell you how to use the program. For example, I would type:
and it prints:
Usage a.out <input file> <dominating set output files>
I had 3 output files based on the input file icage.txt:
ocage.txt: results from running my exact algorithm for 2 minutes.
o30cage.txt: results from running my exact algorithm for 30 minutes.
ocage_heur.txt: results from running a heuristic algorithm.
To compare these output files, I use:
a.out icage.txt ocage.txt o30cage.txt ocage_heur.txt
The starred entries in the output file are the best results. The value in the []'s is the number of vertices of the graph. The output file looks like this:

Input file: icage.txt
Output files: ocage.txt o30cage.txt ocage_heur.txt 
Graph   1 [  4]:   1*   1*   1* 
Graph   2 [  6]:   2*   2*   2* 
Graph   3 [ 10]:   3*   3*   3* 
Graph   4 [ 14]:   4*   4*   4* 
Graph   5 [ 24]:   7*   7*   7* 
Graph   6 [ 30]:   9*   9*   9* 
Graph   7 [ 58]:  15*  15*  16  
Graph   8 [ 58]:  16*  16*  17  
Graph   9 [ 58]:  16*  16*  16* 
Graph  10 [ 58]:  16*  16*  17  
Graph  11 [ 58]:  15*  15*  17  
Graph  12 [ 58]:  15*  15*  17  
Graph  13 [ 58]:  15*  15*  17  
Graph  14 [ 58]:  16*  16*  17  
Graph  15 [ 58]:  15*  15*  17  
Graph  16 [ 58]:  15*  15*  16  
Graph  17 [ 58]:  15*  15*  17  
Graph  18 [ 58]: ___   15*  16  
Graph  19 [ 58]: ___   15*  16  
Graph  20 [ 58]: ___   15*  17  
Graph  21 [ 58]: ___   16*  16* 
Graph  22 [ 58]: ___   16*  16* 
Graph  23 [ 58]: ___   16*  16* 
Graph  24 [ 58]: ___   15*  17  
Graph  25 [ 70]: ___   18*  20  
Graph  26 [ 70]: ___   19*  20  
Graph  27 [ 70]: ___  ___   20* 
Graph  28 [112]: ___  ___   35* 
Graph  29 [272]: ___  ___   86* 
Graph  30 [384]: ___  ___  123* 
Number of times that each algorithm had a best answer:
               :  17   26*  14  
Number of cases with an answer:
               :  17   26   30* 
Number of graphs in the file:  30