CSC 445/545: Programming Project: Phase 1

Due at beginning of class (12:30pm) on Fri. Sept. 26.
Late submissions accepted with 10% penalty until Tues. Sept. 30 at 12:30pm.

Important note: all code submitted must be your original work. If you use code taken from the internet, an API, or other sources and submit it as your own work you will not get credit for this assignment. Further if your source is not acknowledged, you are subject to the department policies for plagiarism. You may use the java standard libraries for input and output.

Your programs should be uploaded to connex. Please follow the instructions precisely: code that does not compile or that does not work correctly will not be awarded any marks.

It is important to understand the Simplex method well enough that you can program it. Your code can be used later in the course to avoid many tedious algebraic computations.

Write a program to solve linear programs in standard form which have an initial feasible origin (using the Simplex algorithm).

The input format is:
n m
c1 c2 ... cn
b1 a11 a12 ... a1n

b m am1 am2 ... amn

Your program should be sufficiently flexible to handle arbitrary spacing and also should not make any assumptions regarding how the values are divided onto lines. The code should accept input from the standard input (the user should not type in a file name).

At each iteration, output (in an easily readable format)

  1. the entering and leaving variables,
  2. the current value of the objective function, and
  3. the appropriate dictionary in the format used by the text.

If the linear program does not have an initial feasible origin (that is, one of the bi's is strictly less than zero), you should handle this for now by printing out the initial dictionary and a message: ERROR- LP does not have a feasible origin.

(i) Use a tableau as your data structure, the update procedure is described on pp. 23-25 (think carefully about where to store the bi's and the objective function so that the pivoting is simple),
(ii) The pivoting should be done in place (do not make a copy of the tableau each time you pivot).
(iii) Make the code very modular (e.g. write one routine for selecting the pivot column, one routine for selecting the pivot row, ...). Do not include the detailed code for reading the input or solving using the Simplex method as part of the main- call an appropriate method or function instead to do these things so your code has a better design. Your main should adhere to the following pseudocode:
while (read_problem) solve using the Simplex method.
Your program must be able to handle more than one input problem with one invocation (not one per input).
(iv) use epsilon = 10-7 in testing for positive coefficients in the z row,
(v) apply the largest coefficient rule to decide where to pivot, break ties by selecting the variable with the smallest index.

As a bare minimum for testing, make an input file called in.txt which has the following 5 problems and use it to test your program:

  1. Example 2.1 on p. 13 of the text.
  2. Example 2.16 on p. 19 of the text.
  3. The LP which does not have an initial feasible origin on p. 39 of the text. Note: your program should print
    ERROR- LP does not have a feasible origin.
    for this input.
  4. Problem 3.1 on p. 43 of the text.
  5. Another problem which is unbounded (make one up) which requires at least two pivots before this is known.

Technical note: to use a file in.txt in place of standard input and to place the output in a file out.txt on a unix machine you would type something like:
a.out < in.txt > out.txt
if you are programming in C/C++ or
java Simplex < in.txt > out.txt
if you are programming in java (and your main is in
If you are running on a Microsoft type of machine, and you have cygwin. then it is similar to the directions for unix except that the executable for a C program is usually called ./a.exe instead of a.out. Otherwise, first find DOS. On my machine, I can get to it by using the "Start" menu, selecting "All Programs" and then under "Accessories" there is an option "Command Prompt" which gives me the DOS window. Change to the directory where you have already compiled your program (maybe using some IDE). Then type (where the name prog_name depends on your IDE)
prog_name.exe < in.txt > out.txt
if you are programming in C/C++ and
java Simplex < input_file > output_file
if you are programming in java. You will find this much easier than repeatedly typing in the same inputs as you are debugging. Please come for help if you are having problems with this or need more detailed directions.

For full marks, your code must be well designed, and extensively commented. Include a detailed explanation of the data structures you are using in the comments.

In order to facilitate marking, please follow these instructions when uploading:

  1. Make sure that your name and ID number are included in the comments at the top of every program file you submit.
  2. Upload your files one at a time. Upload both your program and the input file in.txt. Do not compress or archive files (do not use for example, tar, zip, gzip, ...).
  3. Since unlimited submissions are allowed, you are advised NOT to upload using the "Draft Submission" option. Draft submissions will not be downloaded for marking.
  4. If you are using C, I will compile using
    gcc *.c
  5. If you are using C++, I will compile using
    g++ *.cpp
  6. If you are using java: The main should be in Do not use packages. I will assume all your java files are in the one directory and everything should compile correctly if I type:
    javac *.java
    and then run it with
    java Simplex < in.txt > out.txt