CSC 482B/582B: Final Project Submission

The final project submission will consist of:

Items to upload to connex:

  1. Written report (upload a pdf file with file name LastName_report.pdf, for example I would use Myrvold_report.pdf).
  2. Slides (upload a pdf file with file name LastName_slides.pdf, for example I would use Myrvold_slides.pdf).
  3. Your programs: make a zip file with your programs, input and output files in them. Do not include gigantic files such as input for the 6-Venns or output files that include information for every 6-Venn. Include a README file to explain what you have submitted and include instructions on how to compile and run your programs.

Points to include in your written report and slides:

  1. Motivation- 20 marks.
    Did you explain why the problem is interesting? Did you explain why your contributions to the problem are important?
  2. Literature- 20 marks.
    Did you explain the background for your problem? Did you justify the importance of your problem by comparing it to previous research? Did you explain to the reader how your work fits in to the overall knowledge for the problem with appropriate literature references?
  3. Content- 40 marks.
    Were terms defined? Did you explain things at an appropriate level of detail? Did you include examples when they were helpful? Could your mathematical writing be improved?
  4. Future Research- 20 marks.
    Did you clearly explain the work that still needs to be done? Did you think of any new avenues to investigate which might lead to interesting results? The suggestions for future research are a very valuable part of any technical paper. Leaving it off could mean that somebody might have to reproduce the work you already did to get a clear picture of what needs to be done next.

Original Contributions - 15% marks for CSC 482B, 25% for CSC 582B.

What have you done that is different from previous work? Credit will be given for original research, but can also be obtained in other ways. Other original contributions include examining small cases, developing programs to explore the problem, drawing pictures of interesting cases, development of new theory, identifying interesting open problems in the area that you find in journal or conference publications, providing a more comprehensive survey of previous work (beyond the basics), the formulation of interesting new conjectures, good suggestions for future research.

Extra credit may be awarded for research contributions which go beyond the normal expectations for the course.

CSC 482B/582B Grading Scheme for Final Projects / maintained by Wendy Myrvold / / revised Dec. 10, 2016