CSC 482B/582B: Research Proposal
Due Friday November 18.

You should write a research proposal which is 4-7 pages long.

I would like you to use 12 point font and at least 1.5 spacing so I have room to write feedback on the proposal.

The components for a good research proposal are taken directly from the NSERC guidelines.

  1. [20] The Problem: Clearly define the problem. Make sure you are precise and technically accurate with your definitions.
  2. [20] Previous Work: Describe how this research fits within the context of what is currently happening in the field. Summarize relevant prior work in the field. Find the 10 most relevant papers on the topic. Some of these should be in journals.
  3. [20] Goals: What are the goals of this research?. Include both short term goals (those which you could easily accomplish as part of the course project) and also long term goals (which may be too difficult to accomplish within the short term).
  4. [20] Research Plan: Decribe your research plan. Make sure you also describe your methodology- that is, what steps will you follow to make progress on this problem. In particular, what will you do to get started? You should have some idea as to how to proceed beyond the first steps, but it is fine if this is not as concrete as your plan for starting the research.
  5. [20] Importance: How will the planned research make a novel contribution to the field? How is this work useful and important?

Here are some suggestions from NSERC as to what constitutes a good research proposal. Keep these in mind when writing yours.

  1. your research program promises a notable advancement or innovation in the discipline or results of importance to a broad range of applications
  2. you have identified well-formulated short- and long-term goals
  3. attaining these goals would be a significant contribution to the discipline
  4. you have a good chance of attaining the goals with the resources available.

For this class, the notable advancement may just be in our personal learning and understanding and it does not have to represent an advancement to the field.

CSC 482B/582B Research Proposal / maintained by Wendy Myrvold / / revised Oct. 20, 2016