
Books and book chapters

  1. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, Software Design, Automated Testing, and Maintenance: a Practical Approach, International Thomson Computer Press, 1995.

  2. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "ClassBench: A methodology and framework for automated class testing", In D.C. Kung, P. Hsia, and J. Gao, editors, Testing Object-Oriented Software, pages 152-176. IEEE Computer Society, 1998.

  3. D.M. Hoffman and D.M. Weiss, editors, Software Fundamentals: Collected Papers by David L. Parnas, Addison-Wesley, 2001.

Refereed journal papers

  1. D.M. Hoffman, "The trace specification of communications protocols," IEEE Trans. Computers, c-34(12):1102-1113, December 1985.

  2. D.M. Hoffman and R. Snodgrass, "Trace specifications: Methodology and models," IEEE Trans. Soft. Eng., 14(9):1243-1252, September 1988.

  3. D.M. Hoffman, "Practical interface specification," Software-Practice and Experience, 19(2):127-148, February 1989.

  4. D.M. Hoffman, "On criteria for module interfaces," IEEE Trans. Soft. Eng., 16(5):537-542, May 1990.

  5. P. Brown and D.M. Hoffman, "Application of module regression testing at TRIUMF," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A293(1,2):377-381, August 1990.

  6. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "Automated module testing in Prolog," IEEE Trans. Soft. Eng., 17(9):933-942, September 1991.

  7. A.J. Jackson and D.M. Hoffman, "Inspecting module interface specifications," Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 4:101-117, 1994.

  8. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "Graph-based class testing," Australian Computer Journal, 26(4):158-163, November 1994.

  9. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "The testgraphs methodology: Automated testing of collection classes," Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, pages 35-41, Nov/Dec 1995.

  10. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "ClassBench: A methodology and framework for automated class testing," Software: Practice and Experience, 27(5):573-597, 1997.

  11. J.O. Coplien, D.M. Hoffman, and D.M. Weiss, "On commonality and variability in software engineering", IEEE Software, 15(6):37-45, 1998.

  12. Daniel Hoffman, Paul Strooper, and Lee White, "Boundary values and automated component testing", Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 9(1):3-26, 1999.

  13. T.D. Ball, D. Hoffman, F. Ruskey, R. Webber, and L. White, "State generation and automated class testing", Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 9(1):3-26, 2000.

  14. M. Ardis, N. Daley, D.M. Hoffman, H. Siy, and D. Weiss, "Software product lines: a case study", Software-Practice and Experience, 30(7):825-847, May 2000.

  15. N. Daley, D. Hoffman, and P. Strooper, "A framework for table-driven testing of Java classes", Software-Practice and Experience, 32:465-493, 2002.

  16. D. Hoffman and P. Strooper, "API documentation with executable examples", Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 66, no. 2, 2003.

  17. B. Long, D. Hoffman, and P. Strooper, "Tool support for testing concurrent Java components", IEEE Trans. Soft. Eng., vol. 29, no.6, June 2003.

  18. D. Hoffman, P. Strooper, and S. Wilkin, "Tool support for executable documentation of java class hierarchies", Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, vol 15, no. 1, April 2005.

  19. C. Liu, T. Scott, K. Wu and D. Hoffman, "Range-free sensor localization with ring overlapping based on comparison of received signal strength indicator," Interscience Int. Journal of Sensor Networks, 2007.

Refereed conference papers

  1. D.M. Hoffman and Y. Wang, "Executable prototypes of trace specifications", In Proc. CIPS Edmonton, pages 202-220. Can. Info. Proc Soc., October 1987.

  2. D.M. Hoffman, "An undergraduate course in software design", In Proc. SEI Conf. Software Eng. Education, pages 164-168, April 1988.

  3. D.M. Hoffman, "Hardware testing and software ICs", In Proc. Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conf., September 1989.

  4. D.M. Hoffman, "A CASE study in module testing", In Proc. Conf. Software Maintenance, IEEE Computer Society, October 1989.

  5. D.M. Hoffman and C. Brealey, "Module test case generation", In Proc. 3rd Symp. on Software Testing, Analysis, and Verification, pages 97-102. ACM SIGSOFT, December 1989.

  6. D.M. Hoffman, "Software inspection, verification, and testing: A hybrid approach", In Proc. Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conf., October 1990.

  7. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "Prolog testing of C modules", In Proc. Intl. Logic Programming Symposium, October 1991.

  8. T. Shepard and D.M. Hoffman, "On teaching the rational design process", In Proc. 6th SEI Conf. Software Eng. Education, October 1992.

  9. D.M. Hoffman, J. Smillie, and P.A. Strooper, "Automated class testing: methods and experience", In Proc. Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, IEEE Computer Press, December 1994.

  10. D.M. Hoffman and P. Walsh, "Hardware techniques for testing software components", In IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, Visualization, and Signal Processing, IEEE Computer Society, May 1995.

  11. D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper, "State abstraction and modular software development", In Third Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE3), pages 53-61. ACM Press, 1995.

  12. D.M. Hoffman, P.A. Strooper, and P. Walsh, "Teaching and testing", In Ninth Conference on Software Engineering Education, IEEE Computer Society, April 1996.

  13. D.M. Hoffman and P. Walsh, "Automated behavioral testing of VHDL components", In Proc. of Canadian Conf. Elec. and Computer Eng., July 1996.

  14. D.M. Hoffman and P. Walsh, "Teaching programming with minimal examples", In Proc. Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, University of Northern British Columbia, May 1997.

  15. J. McDonald, D. Hoffman, and P. Strooper, "Programmatic testing of the standard template library containers", In Proceedings 13th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pages 147-156. IEEE Computer Society, 1998.

  16. D. Hoffman, J. Nair, and P. Strooper, "Testing generic Ada packages with APE", In Proceedings ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference, pages 255-262. ACM Press, 1998.

  17. D. Hoffman and P. Strooper, "Tools and techniques for Java API testing", In Proc. Australian Soft. Eng. Conf. IEEE Computer Society, July 2000.

  18. D. Hoffman and P. Strooper, "Prose + test cases = specifications", In Proceedings 34th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, pages 239-250. IEEE Computer Society, 2000.

  19. D. Hoffman, "Software engineering education: difficult decisions in turbulent times", In Proc. Canadian Conference on Engineering Education, August 2001.

  20. B. Long, D. Hoffman, and P. Strooper, "A concurrency test tool for Java monitors", In Proceedings 16th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2001), pages 421-425. IEEE Computer Society, November 2001.

  21. D. Hoffman and S. Wilkin, "JUnit extensions for documentation and inheritance", In Proc. Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, October 2002.

  22. E. Byres, J. Carter, A. El Ramly and D. Hoffman, "Worlds in collision: Ethernet and the factory floor", In Proc. ISA Emerging Techonlogies Conference, October 2002.

  23. P. Netisopakul, L. White, D. Hoffman, and J. Morris, "Data coverage testing of programs for container classes", In Proc. 12th Intl. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering, Nov. 2002.

  24. J. McDonald, P. Strooper and D. Hoffman, "Tool support for generating passive C++ oracles from Object-Z specifications", In Proc. Asia-pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2003.

  25. M. Nikolic, D. Hoffman and L. Trajkovic, "Mbone webcast: network setup and data collection", In Proc. IASTED Conference on Internet Multimedia Systems and Applications, August 2003.

  26. D. Hoffman, D. Prabhakar and P. Strooper, "Testing iptables", In Proc. CASCON, October 2003.

  27. Y. Du and D. Hoffman, "Pbit: a pattern-based testing framework for iptables", In Proc. Communications Networks and Services Conference, May 2004.

  28. E. Byres, B. Chauvin, D. Hoffman, J. Karch and N. Kube, "The special needs of SCADA/PCS firewalls: architectures and test results", In Proc. International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Factory Automation, September 2005.

  29. D. Hoffman and K. Yoo, "Blowtorch: a framework for firewall test automation", In Proc. International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 2005.

  30. E. Byres, D. Hoffman and N. Kube, "On shaky ground: a study of security vulnerabilities in control protocols", In Proc. 5th American Nuclear Society International Conference on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls and Human Interface Technology, November, 2006.

  31. D. Hoffman and N. Kube, "Automated testing of SCADA protocols", In Proc. SCADA Security Scientific Symposium, January, 2007.

  32. J. Kim, K. Choi, D. Hoffman and G. Jung, "Whitebox pairwise test case generation", In Proc. 7th Int. Conference on Quality Software, October, 2007.