CSC  462/ 562

Updated to 3rd edition CDK


Number        Title                                        Text reference


PT1.0 Why distributed systems? -Origins                                        Chapter 1

PT1.2 Characterizing distributed systems                                         Chapter 1, Enslow paper

More . . .

PT2 Design Issues & Models – my version                                    Chapter 2
             Naming, subnets, models                       2.1
                    Naming & communication                   2.2
                    above messages: RPC, mcast              2.3
              allocating workload;                             2.4s


System Models – CDK’s version


Architectural models3rd2.2

Fundamental models3rd2.3

PT3 Networking                                                            Chapter 3
                    Let's discuss FireWire

PT4 IPC                                                                          Chapter  4
                  4.1 Principles
                  4.2  Unix IPC
Chapter 4.6

DIGRESSION: the Utility Model

PT5 RPC                                                              Chapter 5

We discuss RPC in detail but in the context of procedural languages – Sun RPC is

The example. The text 3rd edition is more object-oriented – Java RMI is the example.

PT6 Dist. OS Kernels                                                                Chapter  6

PT7 File systems & a Model                                                      Chapter 8

Sections 8.1, 8.2

PT 8 Sample Filesystems                                                    Chapter 8

8.1 SUN NFS                                                                    Section 8.3

8.2 Andrew     Section 8.4

PT 9 Names, Names & more Names                                  Chapter  9

Will add DNS

PT 10 Clocks: Lamport’s Model                                                    Chapter 10

PT11   Reliable Multicast                                                                                    Sec 11.4
PT 12        Tools for reliability    Sec 14.1                                                                    Chapter 14

PT 13 Case studies - Amoeba         Ch 18.5

 also see                                                             Birman's textbook - excerpts in bookstore

                                                                     Chs  4, 5.4, 12, 13