Generating Linear Extensions of Certain Posets by Transpositions

Gara Pruesse, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada.
Frank Ruskey, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada.


For poset P define the graph G(P) whose vertices are the linear extensions of P and where two vertices are connected by an edge if the corresponding linear extensions differ by a transposition. Let P be a poset and M a subset of its maximal elements for which G(P-M) has a Hamilton path (cycle). If no element of P has exactly one ancestor in M then G(P) also has a Hamilton path (cycle). Given only P and a constant average time algorithm for building a path (cycle) in G(P-M), a Hamilton path (cycle) can also be constructed in G(P) in constant average time.

As an application of the results stated above it is proved that the linear extensions of any ranked poset in which every non-maximal element has at least two (upper) covers can be generated by transpositions in constant average time.


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