The Advantages of Forward Thinking in Generating Rooted and Free Trees
Gang Li,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Victoria, Canada.
Frank Ruskey,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Victoria, Canada.
We present a new approach to the exhaustive generation of rooted and
free trees of n nodes.
Our algorithms have the following features:
(1) They are optimal in the sense of using linear space and
having running times that are proportional to the number of trees
(2) They use a natural representation of the trees, the parent array.
(3) They can generate the trees in many different orders, including
reverse lexicographic order.
(4) They are recursive, not iterative.
(5) They can be easily modified to generate restricted classes of trees and
still preserve properties (1)-(4).
The possible restrictions are: (a) in the case of rooted trees,
upper bounds on the number of
children of a node and lower and upper bounds on the height of the tree;
and (b) in the case of free trees, upper bounds on the degree of a node and
lower and upper bounds on the diameter of the tree.
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Presented at the
10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms (SODA), (1999) S939-940.
The algorithms have been implemented and are used as the basis of
some of the online tree generation algorithms of
the Combinatorial Object Server, in the section on
Gang (Kenny) Li now works for IBM Research Labs in Toronto.
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