Regarding the projects
Due date: December 14, at 3:30 (the end of my office hour on that day).
Q: How long does it have to be?
A: It will vary depending on topic, number of figures, whether there
are associated programs, etc.; but I am expecting that it will be 6-10 pages.
Feel free to use more if necessary.
Q: Should it include references?
A: Any papers, webpages, or books whose results you quote or use
should be acknowledged.
Q: What are your grading criteria?
A: This will depend a bit on the topic and whether you are a grad or
an undergrad but here are some questions that I will be asking myself
as I read the projects: (a) Has the student demonstrated that they have
learned something significant beyond what was presented in class?
(b) Are they reguritating something they read elsewhere or are they
putting their own unique spin on it, perhaps even discovering
or implementing something new and interesting?
(b) Have they presented it in a way that I can understand what they are
writing (e.g., by the appropriate use of small examples)? Is it
well-written and organized?
Q: Will the marking be tough?
A: Generally, people do very well on their projects and the marks tend
to fall into a narrow and high range.