Assignment #6
Theme: The End is in Sight
Assigned: November 25, 2015.
Due: December 4, 2015.
This homework should be handed in at the end of class.
View the video: bell-ringing.
Attend the presentations by the graduate students on December 4.
For each presentation, give it a "compliment and a wish". Also,
vote on your favorite presentation. A form will be handed out prior
to the presentations.
The following problems are not to turn in but you are encouraged to
do them anyways.
How many permutations are there of the multiset {a,b,b,c,c,c,d,d,d,d}?
What is the probability of a 4-of-a-kind in standard 5 card poker hand?
How many linear extensions does the tree (poset) used to illustrate
Algorithm K in Section have? No programming! Use the formula.