IWOCA 2011: Abstracts for Invited Speakers
Cenk Sahinalp.
Algorithmic Methods for Structural Variation Detection among Multiple High Throughput Sequenced Genomes.
High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have been decreasing
the cost and increasing the world-wide capacity for sequence production
at an unprecedented rate, making the initiation of large scale projects
aiming to sequence more than 1000s of genomes possible. The ability to
detect structural alterations on HTS personal genomes will change the
way diseases of genomic origin are diagnosed and treated. In
this talk we will briefly go through some of the algorithm development
efforts at the Lab for Computational Biology in SFU for analyzing
large collections of HTS genomes and transcriptomes, for the purposes
of identifying common and rare structural variants with high accuracy.
Our algorithms, which we collectively call CommonLAW (Common Loci
structural Alteration detection Widgets) move away from the
current model of
detecting genomic variants in single HTS donor genomes
independently, and
checking whether two or more donor genomes indeed agree or
disagree on the variations, to a new model in which structural
variants are detected
among multiple genomes and transcriptomes simultaneously.
One of our methods,
Comrad, for example, enables integrated analysis of
transcriptome (i.e. RNA) and genome (i.e. DNA) sequence
data for the purposes of discovering genomic
rearrangements and aberrant transcripts (non-standard mRNAs)
in multiple (possibly
related) individuals simultaneously.
Pavol Hell
Graph Partitions.
I will discuss a general model of graph partitions that
includes many well known partition and colouring
problems, many of them arising in the study of perfect
graphs. I will describe classification attempts both for
the complexity of these problems, and for their forbidden
subgraph characterizations. This will include joint work
with Tomas Feder, Shekoofeh Nekooei Rizi, Geordie
Schell, Juraj Stacho, Jing Huang, Arash Rafiey, Wing
Xie, and others.
Tetsuo Asano.
Nearest Larger Neighbors Problem and Memory-Constrained Algorithms.
In the first part of this talk we consider an
All Nearest Larger Neighbors Problem
which is defined as follows:
"Given a set
M of
n objects with keys, find for each
object in
M a nearest object with key larger than that
of the object if any."
The problem can be defined in
many different ways. In one extreme we are given an
array containing
n real numbers and distances between
objects (array elements) are measured by their index
difference. In another extreme we are given a 2-D array
with possibly duplicate keys and distances between two
elements are measured by their Euclidean distances.
If sufficient work space is available, both of the problems
can be solved efficiently. For example, if
n numbers
are given in an array, we can design a linear-time algorithm
using a stack. Given a 2-D binary array consisting of only
two different values, the problem is known as that of
distance transformation, for which a linear-time algorithm
is known. What happens if the amount of work space is
limited? We can solve the 1-D problem in
O(n log n)
time using work space of
O(log n) bits even if we have
duplicate elements. The 2-D problem can be solved in
O(n log n) time using work space of
O(log n) bits if
all the elements are distinct, but no subquadratic-time
algorithm using
O(log n) bits is known if we allow
duplicate elements. We could also discuss space-time
tradeoff for the 1-D problem.
The second half of the talk deals with several algorithms
using limited work space for various problems including
those for computational geometry and for image processing.
It is reasonable to use O(sqrt(n)) work space for an
image of n pixels. Using the work space, we can count
the number of connected components in a binary image.
We could also solve other interesting problems for a
binary image.
J. Ian Munro.
Creating a Partial Order and Finishing the Sort, with Graph Entropy.
In 1975, Mike Fredman showed that, given a set of distinct values
satisfying an arbitrary partial order, one can finish sorting the
set in a number of comparisons equal to the information theory
bound (Opt) plus at most 2n.
However, it appeared determining what
comparisons to do could take exponential time. Shortly after this
several people, including myself, wondered about the complementary
problem Fredman's "starting point" of arranging elements into a given
partial order. My long term conjecture was that one can do this,
using a number of comparisons equal to the information theory lower
bound for the problem plus a lower order term plus O(n) through a
reduction to multiple selection. Along the way some key contributions
to the problems were made, including the development of graph entropy
and the work of Andy Yao (1989) and Jeff Kahn and Jeong Hang Kim (1992).
The problems were both solved, with Jean Cardinal, Sam Fiorini, Gwen Joret,
Raph Jungers (2009, 2010), using the techniques of graph entropy,
multiple selection and merging in polynomial time to determine the
anticipated Opt + o(Opt) + O(n) comparisons. The talk will discuss
this long term development and some amusing stops along the way.