IWOCA 2011 Draft Schedule

Sunday June 19, 2011

3:30 Hike up Mount Tolmie: meet in front of the Halpern Center for Graduate Studies
5:00 Welcoming reception: Grad Student Center (Halpern Center for Graduate Studies)
7:00 Dinner (on your own)


The plenary talks, and welcoming remarks, and problem session are in the Elliott classroom building room 167. For parallel sessions: Session A (on the lefthand side) is in Elliott 167. Session B (on the righthand side) is in Elliott 168. The poster session is in the Elliott lobby.

Monday June 20, 2011

9:00 Welcoming remarks: Sue Whitesides.
9:15 IWOCA 2012: Subramanian Arumugam.
9:30 Plenary talk: Cenk Sahinalp. Algorithmic Methods for Structural Variation Detection among Multiple High Throughput Sequenced Genomes.
10:30 Native Welcome at the First People's House and then coffee. (we will walk over there together for this welcoming ceremony)
11:30 Efficient Codon Optimization with Motif Engineering Hamiltonian Orthogeodesic Alternating Paths
12:00 An Algorithm for Road Coloring Hamilton Cycles in Restricted Rotator Graphs
12:30 Lunch (on your own)
2:30 Periods in Partial Words: An Algorithm 2-Layer Right Angle Crossing Drawings
3:00 Parameterized Longest Previous Factor On Minimizing the Number of Label Transitions Around a Vertex of a Planar Graph
3:30 p-Suffix Sorting as Arithmetic Coding How Not to Characterize Planar-Emulable Graphs
6:30 Pre-Dinner Reception at the University Club
7:00 Banquet at the University Club

Tuesday June 21, 2011

9:00 Plenary talk: Pavol Hell. Graph Partitions.
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 A Unifying Property for Distribution-Sensitive Priority Queues Acyclic Colorings of Graph Subdivisions
11:00 Two Constant-Factor-Optimal Realizations of Adaptive Heapsort Algorithmic Aspects of Dominator Colorings in Graphs
11:30 _ Weighted Improper Colouring
12:00 Conference photograph at fountain in front of library then lunch (on your own).
2:00 Quasi-Cyclic Codes over GF(13) A Golden Ratio Parameterized Algorithm for Cluster Editing
2:30 Testing Monotone Read-Once Functions Complexity of the Cop and Robber Guarding Game
3:00 Coffee break and Poster Session
4:00 Open Problem Session: chaired by Alejandro Erickson

Wednesday June 22, 2011

9:00 Plenary talk: Tetsuo Asano. Nearest Larger Neighbors Problem and Memory-Constrained Algorithms.
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Generating All Simple Convexly-Drawable Polar Symmetric 6-Venn Diagrams The 1-Neighbour Knapsack Problem
11:00 Enumerating Tatami Mat Arrangements of Square Grids A New View on Rural Postman Based on Eulerian Extension and Matching
11:30 Ranking and Loopless Generation of k-ary Dyck Words in Cool-lex Order Complexity of Cycle Transverse Matching Problems
12:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00 Plenary talk: J. Ian Munro. Creating a Partial Order and Finishing the Sort, with Graph Entropy.
3:00 Coffee break
3:30 The Rand and Block Index of Pairs of Set Partitions Kinetic Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree in the Plane
4:00 Stable Sets of Threshold-based Cascades on the Erdös-Rényi Random Graphs Improved Steiner Tree Algorithms for Bounded Treewidth
4:30 Conference ends