To understand what a snark graph is we need to define
some things first:
- In graph theory, a bridge is a edge if and only if is not contained in any
cycle. A graph with no bridges is a bridgeless graph.
- The edge chromatic number of a graph G is fewest number of colors
necessary to color each edge of G such that no two edges incident on the same
vertex have the same color.
A snark is a connected bridgeless cubic graph with edge chromatic number of
four. By Vizing's theorem, the edge chromatic number of every cubic graph
is either three or four, so a snark corresponds to the special case of four.
Snarks are therefore class 2 graphs.We can see an example on Fig. 1.
Snark graphs are interesting because we know so little about them. Writting
in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Miroslav Chladny states that:
"In the study of various important and difficult
problems in graph theory (such as the Cycle double cover conjecture and the
5-Flow Conjecture), one 4encounters an interesting but somewhat mysterious
variety of graphs called snarks. In spite of their simple denition...and over
a century long investiga- tion, their properties and structure are largely