AbstractTuple - class roast.AbstractTuple.
An abstract representation of a test case passed between Roast unit operations.
AbstractTuple() - Constructor for class roast.AbstractTuple
addElement(int) - Method in class roast.VInt
AlphabeticArgType - class roast.AlphabeticArgType.
An AlphabeticArgType determines whether a given string contains only alphabetic characters and has a length in a given range.
AlphabeticArgType(int) - Constructor for class roast.AlphabeticArgType
Creates a new instance.
AnyArgType - class roast.AnyArgType.
An AnyArgType determines whether a given string has a length in a given range.
AnyArgType(int) - Constructor for class roast.AnyArgType
Creates a new instance.
argRequired - Variable in class roast.FlagSpec
The flag must have an argument.
argType - Variable in class roast.FlagSpec
The type of the flag's argument.


BdyDependentDomain - class roast.BdyDependentDomain.
BdyDependentDomain(int, int) - Constructor for class roast.BdyDependentDomain
BdyIterator - class roast.BdyIterator.
BdyIterator(int, Vector) - Constructor for class roast.BdyIterator
Boundary - class roast.Boundary.
Boundary() - Constructor for class roast.Boundary
buf - Variable in class roast.Buffer
Buffer - class roast.Buffer.
Buffer(int) - Constructor for class roast.Buffer


checkTuple(AbstractTuple) - Method in class roast.CheckUnitOp
Calls CUT methods to verify that the test case, represented by tuple, executed successfully.
CheckUnitOp - class roast.CheckUnitOp.
Checks that a test case executed as expected.
CheckUnitOp() - Constructor for class roast.CheckUnitOp
CommandLine - class roast.CommandLine.
A CommandLine object parses an array of Unix-style command-line arguments according to a user-supplied specification.
CommandLine(FlagSpec[], String[]) - Constructor for class roast.CommandLine
Parses an array of command line flags and arguments.
compareExc(Object, Object) - Static method in class roast.ExceptionType
compareValue(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified booleans are equal to one another.
compareValue(byte, byte) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified bytes are equal to one another.
compareValue(char, char) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified characters are equal to one another.
compareValue(double, double) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified doubles are equal to one another.
compareValue(float, float) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified floats are equal to one another.
compareValue(int, int) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified ints are equal to one another.
compareValue(long, long) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified longs are equal to one another.
compareValue(Object, Object) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified objects are equal to one another, that is, they represent the same object.
compareValue(short, short) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
compareValue(String, String) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified strings are equal to one another, that is, they represent the same sequence of characters.
convertSerializeToText(String, String) - Static method in class roast.LogFile
Converts a serialized log file to a plain text log file.
count - Variable in class roast.Buffer
cp(Vector) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
cp(Vector, ProcessTuple) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
CPIterator - class roast.CPIterator.
CPIterator(Vector) - Constructor for class roast.CPIterator
create(Vector) - Method in interface roast.Factory


DependentDomain - interface roast.DependentDomain.
Domain - interface roast.Domain.
DomainIterator - class roast.DomainIterator.
DomainIterator(Domain) - Constructor for class roast.DomainIterator
DUPLICATEFLAG - Static variable in class roast.CommandLine
DynamicTree - class roast.viewer.DynamicTree.
DynamicTree() - Constructor for class roast.viewer.DynamicTree
Construct a modifiable JTree.


elementAt(int) - Method in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
elementAt(int) - Method in interface roast.Domain
elementAt(int) - Method in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
elementAt(int) - Method in class roast.IntervalDomain
elementAt(int) - Method in class roast.VInt
ExceptionType - class roast.ExceptionType.
ExceptionType() - Constructor for class roast.ExceptionType
excErrorCount - Static variable in class roast.Roast
The number of #excMonitor failures.
executeTuple(AbstractTuple) - Method in class roast.ExecuteUnitOp
Executes the test case represented by tuple.
ExecuteUnitOp - class roast.ExecuteUnitOp.
Executes a test case represented by tuple.
ExecuteUnitOp() - Constructor for class roast.ExecuteUnitOp
extend(Vector, DependentDomain) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
ExtendIterator - class roast.ExtendIterator.
ExtendIterator(Iterator, Factory) - Constructor for class roast.ExtendIterator


Factory - interface roast.Factory.
FailureMessage - class roast.FailureMessage.
A failure log message.
FailureMessage(String, int) - Constructor for class roast.FailureMessage
Constructs a FailureMessage object with the specified message and level.
FilterUnitOp - class roast.FilterUnitOp.
Removes tuples from the test tuple set.
FilterUnitOp() - Constructor for class roast.FilterUnitOp
finalize() - Method in class roast.LogFile
Closes log file stream.
FixedPointArgType - class roast.FixedPointArgType.
A FixedPointArgType determines whether a given string contains only digits and one decimal (optional).
FixedPointArgType(int, int) - Constructor for class roast.FixedPointArgType
Creates a new instance.
flagName - Variable in class roast.FlagSpec
The flag string with leading flag delimiter.
FlagSpec - class roast.FlagSpec.
A FlagSpec object is a description of a command-line flag.
FlagSpec(String, boolean, boolean, ArgType) - Constructor for class roast.FlagSpec
Initialize flag specification.


GenerateUnitOp - class roast.GenerateUnitOp.
Constructs a test tuple set and provides an iterator over the set.
GenerateUnitOp() - Constructor for class roast.GenerateUnitOp
get() - Method in class roast.Buffer
getErrorMessage() - Method in class roast.CommandLine
Gets the error message if the command line was not successfully parsed.
getFlagArg(String) - Method in class roast.CommandLine
Gets value of named flag.
getLevel() - Method in class roast.FailureMessage
Returns the failure message level.
getLevel() - Method in interface roast.LogMessage
Returns the log message level.
getLevel() - Method in class roast.UtilityMessage
Returns the utility message level.
getLineNumber() - Method in class roast.FailureMessage
Returns the test script line number of the failure.
getMessage() - Method in class roast.FailureMessage
Returns the failure message text as a String.
getMessage() - Method in interface roast.LogMessage
Returns the log message text as a String.
getMessage() - Method in class roast.UtilityMessage
Returns the utility message text as a String.
getSuffixArgs() - Method in class roast.CommandLine
Gets suffix arguments arguments present in args.


hasMoreTuples() - Method in class roast.GenerateUnitOp
Determines whether or not there are more tuples in the test tuple set.
hasNext() - Method in class roast.BdyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class roast.CPIterator
hasNext() - Method in class roast.DomainIterator
hasNext() - Method in class roast.ExtendIterator
high - Variable in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
high - Variable in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain


in - Variable in class roast.Buffer
IntegerArgType - class roast.IntegerArgType.
An IntegerArgType determines whether a given string contains only digits and has a length in a given range.
IntegerArgType(int) - Constructor for class roast.IntegerArgType
Creates a new instance.
IntervalDependentDomain - class roast.IntervalDependentDomain.
IntervalDependentDomain() - Constructor for class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
IntervalDomain - class roast.IntervalDomain.
IntervalDomain(int) - Constructor for class roast.IntervalDomain
IntervalDomain(int, int) - Constructor for class roast.IntervalDomain
INVALIDFLAG - Static variable in class roast.CommandLine
INVALIDFLAGARG - Static variable in class roast.CommandLine
isArgPresent(String) - Method in class roast.CommandLine
Determines whether the named flag is present in args.
isRequired - Variable in class roast.FlagSpec
The flag must be present.
isValid(String) - Method in class roast.AlphabeticArgType
Determines whether s is a valid alphabetic string with a valid length.
isValid(String) - Method in class roast.AnyArgType
Determines whether s has a valid length.
isValid(String) - Method in class roast.FixedPointArgType
Determines whether s contains only digits and one decimal (optional) and that the number of digits before and after the decimal are in range.
isValid(String) - Method in class roast.IntegerArgType
Determines whether s is a valid numeric string with a valid length.
isValidTuple(AbstractTuple) - Method in class roast.FilterUnitOp
Determines whether or not the input tuple is valid.


KBDY - Static variable in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
kBdy(int, Vector) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
kBdy(int, Vector, ProcessTuple) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
kPer(int, Vector) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
kPer(int, Vector, ProcessTuple) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
KSTARBDY - Static variable in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
kStarBdy(int, Vector) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
kStarBdy(int, Vector, ProcessTuple) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
kStarPer(int, Vector) - Static method in class roast.Boundary
kStarPer(int, Vector, ProcessTuple) - Static method in class roast.Boundary


lastNode - Variable in class roast.viewer.DynamicTree
logFailureMessage(String, int) - Static method in class roast.Roast
Write a failure message to the log file.
LogFile - class roast.LogFile.
The LogFile class controls output to the log file.
LogFile() - Constructor for class roast.LogFile
Constructs a LogFile object which writes output to System.out in text format.
LogFile(String, boolean) - Constructor for class roast.LogFile
Constructs a LogFile object with the specified file fileName and output mode.
LogMessage - interface roast.LogMessage.
The interface for log messages.
logUtilityMessage(String, int) - Static method in class roast.Roast
Write a utility message to the log file if level is less than or equal to currentMessageLevel.
LogViewer - class roast.viewer.LogViewer.
LogViewer() - Constructor for class roast.viewer.LogViewer
Construct a LogViewer object.
LogViewer(String) - Constructor for class roast.viewer.LogViewer
Construct a LogViewer object and load logFile.
low - Variable in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
low - Variable in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain


main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.BdyIterator
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.CPIterator
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.IntervalDomain
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.LogFile
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.VInt
main(String[]) - Static method in class roast.viewer.LogViewer
maxLevel - Variable in class roast.viewer.DynamicTree
The maximum message level currently stored in the tree.
MISSINGFLAGARG - Static variable in class roast.CommandLine


next() - Method in class roast.BdyIterator
next() - Method in class roast.CPIterator
next() - Method in class roast.DomainIterator
next() - Method in class roast.ExtendIterator
nextTuple() - Method in class roast.GenerateUnitOp
Returns the next test tuple.


out - Variable in class roast.Buffer


ParameterException - exception roast.ParameterException.
Signals that an improper parameter was passed to the CommandLine constructor.
ParameterException() - Constructor for class roast.ParameterException
Constructs a ParameterException with no detail message.
ParameterException(String) - Constructor for class roast.ParameterException
Constructs a ParameterException with the specified detail message.
parseArgs(FlagSpec[], String[]) - Static method in class roast.Roast
Parse command-line arguments.
printCounts() - Static method in class roast.Roast
Write summary statistics to the log file.
printExc(int, Object, Object) - Static method in class roast.ExceptionType
printValue(int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, byte, byte) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, char, char) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, double, double) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, float, float) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, int, int) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, long, long) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, Object, Object) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
printValue(int, short, short) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
Returns true if the two specified shorts are equal to one another.
printValue(int, String, String) - Static method in class roast.ValueType
ProcessTuple - interface roast.ProcessTuple.
processTuple(Vector) - Method in interface roast.ProcessTuple
put(Object) - Method in class roast.Buffer


remove() - Method in class roast.BdyIterator
remove() - Method in class roast.CPIterator
remove() - Method in class roast.DomainIterator
remove() - Method in class roast.ExtendIterator
REQUIREDFLAGMISSING - Static variable in class roast.CommandLine
Roast - class roast.Roast.
The Roast class handles command-line parsing, control and communication between four unit operations, logging utility and failure messages, and logging test case summary statistics.
Roast() - Constructor for class roast.Roast
rootNode - Variable in class roast.viewer.DynamicTree


setDomain(Vector) - Method in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
setDomain(Vector) - Method in interface roast.DependentDomain
setDomain(Vector) - Method in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
setElementAt(int, int) - Method in class roast.VInt
setLowHigh(Vector) - Method in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
setLowHigh(Vector) - Method in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
setMessageLevel(int) - Static method in class roast.Roast
Set the current message level.
size - Variable in class roast.Buffer
size() - Method in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
size() - Method in interface roast.Domain
size() - Method in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
size() - Method in class roast.IntervalDomain
size() - Method in class roast.VInt
startUnitOps(GenerateUnitOp, FilterUnitOp, ExecuteUnitOp, CheckUnitOp) - Static method in class roast.Roast
Called by driver to start unit operations.


toString() - Method in class roast.BdyDependentDomain
toString() - Method in interface roast.Domain
toString() - Method in class roast.FailureMessage
Returns a string representation of the failure message.
toString() - Method in class roast.IntervalDependentDomain
toString() - Method in class roast.IntervalDomain
toString() - Method in interface roast.LogMessage
Returns a string representation of the log message.
toString() - Method in class roast.UtilityMessage
Returns a string representation of the utility message.
toString() - Method in class roast.VInt
totalCaseCount - Static variable in class roast.Roast
The number of test cases.
treeModel - Variable in class roast.viewer.DynamicTree
tupleNumber - Variable in class roast.AbstractTuple
Stores the unique tuple number automatically assigned to each tuple.


UtilityMessage - class roast.UtilityMessage.
A utility log message.
UtilityMessage(String, int) - Constructor for class roast.UtilityMessage
Constructs a UtilityMessage object with the specified message and level.


valueErrorCount - Static variable in class roast.Roast
The number of #valueCheck failures.
ValueType - class roast.ValueType.
Overview Comparison and printing functions.
ValueType() - Constructor for class roast.ValueType
VectorDomain - class roast.VectorDomain.
VectorDomain() - Constructor for class roast.VectorDomain
VInt - class roast.VInt.
VInt() - Constructor for class roast.VInt
VInt(int, int) - Constructor for class roast.VInt


writeMessage(FailureMessage) - Method in class roast.LogFile
Write a failure message to the log file.
writeMessage(UtilityMessage) - Method in class roast.LogFile
Write a utility message to the log file.