SENG 310   - Meal Plan System

Requirements Review
 - Introduction
 - Main Functions
 - Users
 - Usability Goals
 - User Experience Goals

System Overview
 - System Concept
 - System Technology
 - Conceptual Model
 - Interface Metaphor

Menu System
 - Introduction
 - Profile
 - Edit
 - Search
 - Favorite
 - Ingredient
 - Recipe
 - Window
 - Help

System Functionalities
 - Multiple User Profile
 - Ingredient Manipulation
 - Recipe Manipulation
 - Recipe Basic Search
 - Recipe Advance Search
 - Recipe Preferece Setting
 - Search History

 - System Recovery

  Meal recipe input/Display/recommendation

Recipe recommendation is never be a possible thing, because there is hardly any mechanic that a traditional recipe book can suggest readers their favorite recipes, instead, recipe book always have a list of collected recipes for users to decide and find their own favorites. However, "meal plan system" provides an efficient and effective way to perform tradition recipe books that saving thousands of different recipes, as well, to recommend user their favorite meal based on their profile.

Recipe input
The recipe input system has a close relationship with the recipe database. The recipe database gets update from the recipe input form which will be populated into xml format file. The recipe input form can be divided into five categories:

  • Recipe name
    Input any name for this recipe
  • Required ingredient
    Input all the ingredients, every ingredient divided by semicolon
  • Preparation steps
    Input the detail preparation steps, including the seasoning step
  • Cooking time
    Input the estimated cooking time
  • Adding recipe picture
    User can add any picture which matches the food

The following is the screenshot of recipe input in our design program:
note: additional features of the recipes can be added, i.e. contry style, nutrition info, etc, since recipes are now stored in XML format, adding those extra features are merely ways to define some new tags for the DTD

Recipe display
Detail of the recipe is displayed in a very will organized with the clear title, detail ingredient, step-by-step preparation, cooking time, and serving quantity. The following is the screenshot:

"Rate This Recipe" button is provided at the bottom of the recipe. User can rate this recipe after the serving, and the recipe database gets the rating update.
"Add To Favorites" button is provided at the bottom of the recipe. User can add particular interested recpies to their favorites in order to get them in quick next time.
note: All sorts of other features can be added at this time too to generate new recipe xml in more detailed information.

 Recipe recommendation
Every user will get a daily recommendation every time when they login the system. Moreover, this recommendation will base on the user profile preference setting, randomly generate a fittest daily recommendation. In our design system, the recipe recommendation can be accessed in the following two ways:

  • By clicking the "recipe recommend" under recipe menu in system tools bar. The following is the screenshot which the highlighted area is the access point:


  • The recommendation is displayed in the "today special" under common task folder. The picture of the food is displayed; user can see the detail information by clicking the picture. The screenshot is in the following:

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