Ranking and Unranking Permutations in Linear Time
Wendy Myrvold,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Victoria, Canada.
Frank Ruskey,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Victoria, Canada.
A ranking function for the permutations on n symbols
assigns a unique integer in the range [0, n!-1] to each
of the n! permutations. The corresponding unranking
function is the inverse: given an integer between
0 and n!-1, the value of the function is the permutation
having this rank. We present simple ranking and unranking
algorithms for permutations that can be computed using
O(n) arithmetic operations.
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Appears in Information Processing Letters,
79 (2001) 281-284.
This message by George Russell
appeared on the newsgroup sci.math.research in July 2001.
It contains essentially the same algorithm developed in our paper,
implemented in FORTRAN.
He reports (private communication) that the algorithm was developed
in 1993, but was never published.
The paper is referenced in Knuth volume 4, prefascicle 2B,
Generating All Permutations.
Typo: On page 282 of the
IPL version, in the second line
the big-O expression should be
O( (n log n)/(log log n) ).
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