Home page for CSC 425/520
Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2016

This page provides the links to useful resources for CSC 425/520 students.

Office hours: TWF 10:45-12:10

Help is also available by sending me e-mail (wendym@cs.UVic.ca), or by appointment. Include 425 or 520: and an informative subject in your messages to me. If you would like an appointment, send e-mail (wendym@cs.UVic.ca) with the times you are available, and I will choose a mutually convenient meeting time. Note that I answer ALL e-mails from students taking my classes. If you do not get a response within a reasonable time, please let me know.

Course information- Index

  1. Inputs used for testing your assignment #1.
  2. Selected class notes.
    Notes with material subject to copyright regulations are on connex under resources.
  3. CSC 425: Official Course Outline.
  4. CSC 520: Official Course Outline.
  5. CSC 425: Unofficial course outline.
  6. CSC 520: Unofficial course outline.
  7. Student results for project submission 1.
  8. Student results for project submission 2.

Assignments and Project Submissions

  1. Assignment #1:
    Programming part: due Friday Sept. 23 at 11:55pm.
    Written part: due at the beginning of class on Tuesday September 27.
  2. Assignment #2: Written part: due at the beginning of class on Friday October 7.
    Programming part: due Tuesday Oct. 11 at 11:55pm.
  3. Project submission 1: due Friday Nov. 11.
  4. Assignment #3: due Friday Nov. 18, beginning of class.
  5. Assignment #4: due Friday Dec. 2, beginning of class.
  6. Project submission 2: due Monday Dec. 5.
  7. Final project submission: due Monday Dec. 14 at 11:55pm.

Answers to some student questions

So far, there have been no questions.

CSC 425/520 Home Page / maintained by Wendy Myrvold / wendym@cs.UVic.ca / revised Dec. 10, 2016