Potlatch, Feb. 16, 2002

Combinatorial Potlatch
February 16, 2002
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington.

Send e-mail to the coordinator, Rob Beezer (beezer@ups.edu) to be added to the mailing list for future announcements.

The n-th Annual Combinatorial Potlatch will be held February 16, 2002 on the campus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington.

Combinatorial Potlatches have been held for many years at various locations around Puget Sound and southern British Columbia, and are an opportunity for combinatorialists in the region to gather informally for a day of invited talks and conversation. While most who attend work in, or near, the Puget Sound basin, all are welcome.

It has been several years since the last Potlatch, so we are trying to reach as many people as possible, yet do not have a single good source for contact information that is current. If you would like to see this tradition continued, please forward this message to interested colleagues, and especially to graduate students. Please consider encouraging others to send their email address to Rob Beezer (beezer@ups.edu) for inclusion on the distribution list for the second announcement. Please accept our apologies if you get this message more than once.

A WWW page at http://www.math.ups.edu/activities/potlatch2002.html contains full details and local information, highlights follow.

Invited Speakers


10:00-10:30 Registration, Coffee and Donuts
10:30-11:30 Talk 1
11:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30- 2:30 Talk 2
2:30- 3:00 Break, Coffee and Cookies
3:00- 4:00 Talk 3


Advance registration is free by contacting Nancy Neudauer (nancy@pacificu.edu) with your probabililty of attending, hopefully at least a few days in advance so we can plan food for breaks.

Program Committee: Nancy Neudauer (nancy@pacificu.edu) (nancy@pacificu.edu)
Local Arrangements Committee: Rob Beezer (beezer@ups.edu)

CAG Home Page: Fall 2001 / maintained by Wendy Myrvold / wendym@cs.UVic.ca / revised Nov. 20, 2001