Home page: Dr. Wendy Myrvold

Pointers to my research activities (graph theory, graph algorithms, network reliability, topological graph theory, and graph algorithms for chemistry), teaching, and other interests (ice hockey, skiing) are available from here.

I retied in June 2018. I am still doing research as a professor emeritus.

I am an ice hockey fanatic.

Full Professor (B.Sc. McGill, 1983; M.Math. Waterloo, 1984; Ph.D. Waterloo, 1988)
Combinatorial Algorithms Group , Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria

Summer 2017 Teaching:

  1. CSC 320: Foundations of Computer Science, TWF 10:30-11:20, ECS 123, CRN 30198.
  2. CSC 422/522: Graph Algorithms, TF 14:30-15:50, Cunningham 146, CRN 30204/30207.

Pages I maintain:

  1. Research
    1. Publications for Dr. Wendy Myrvold
    2. Research: Graph Theory and Graph Algorithms
    3. A Turing Machine Simulator
    4. Workshop on Computational Graph Theory and Combinatorics, May 6-8, 1999 in Victoria.
    5. Congressus Numerantium holdings.
  2. Personal
    1. Making Music Using Lego Mindstorms
    2. Red Bank High School Class of 1979
    3. Skiing at Mt. Washington

Contact information:
Dr. Wendy Myrvold

Department of Computer Science
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3055, Stn CSC
Victoria, B. C. CANADA
V8W 3P6

My office (ECS 552): (250) 472-5783
E-mail is generally a lot more effective for reaching me than the phone.
FAX: (250) 472-5708 (ATTN: W. Myrvold)
E-mail: wendym@UVic.ca

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Dr. Myrvold's home page / maintained by Wendy Myrvold / wendym@UVic.ca / revised April 30, 2017