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If you would like to give a talk in our seminar series, please contact Wendy Myrvold (wendym@cs.uvic.ca).
A torus is a surface shaped like a doughnut. A graph is
toroidal if it embeds on the torus with no crossing edges.
A topological obstruction for the torus is a graph
G with minimum degree three that is not embeddable on
the torus but for all edges e, G-e embeds on the torus.
A minor order obstruction has the additional property
that for all edges e, G contract e embeds on the torus.
The aim of our research is to find all the obstructions to the torus
(both minor order and topological). To date, we have found
239,322 topological obstructions and 16,629 minor order obstructions.
Previously, only a few thousand had been determined. This
talk discusses the techniques used to find these obstructions
and suggests avenues for completing this research.
Several students have participated in this research effort
including John Chambers, Eugene Neufeld, Matthew Skala,
Jianping Roth, Angus Argyle, Ben Ellenberger, and Hongmei Wang.
Current efforts are in conjunction with Bill Kocay
and Jennifer Woodcock.
Wireless sensor networks consist of a large number of tiny sensors that
have only limited energy supply. One of the major challenges in
constructing such networks is to maintain long network lifetime as well as
sufficient sensing area. To achieve this goal, a broadly-used method is to
turn off redundant sensors. In this talk, we will talk about the problem
of estimating redundant sensing areas among neighbouring wireless sensors.
We will present an interesting observation concerning the minimum and
maximum number of neighbours that are required to provide complete
redundancy and introduce simple methods to estimate the degree of
redundancy without the knowledge of location or directional information.
We also provide tight upper and lower bounds on the probability of
complete redundancy and on the average partial redundancy. With random
sensor deployment, our analysis shows that partial redundancy is more
realistic for real applications, since complete redundancy is expensive,
requiring up to 11 neighbouring sensors to provide a 90 percent chance of
complete redundancy. Several open questions will be posed.
Graph drawing is the construction of geometric representations of graphs
in two or three dimensions. It has many applications such as information
visualization, VLSI design, software visualization and Bioinformatics.
Symmetry is one of the most important aesthetic criteria in graph drawing.
It clearly reveals the structure of an abstract graph. The problem of
determining whether a graph can be drawn symmetrically is NP-complete
in general. However, the problem can be solved in polynomial time for
several restricted classes of graphs such as trees, outerplanar graphs
and planar graphs.
This talk briefly covers recent results in symmetric graph drawing
including symmetry models, heuristics and exact algorithms for
general graphs, and optimal algorithms for trees and planar graphs,
both in two and three dimensions.
There are three major algorithmic problems for autonomous robots:
localization, navigation, and exploration. A common feature of all three
problems is that the robot must solve them with incomplete information. For
example, in the navigation and exploration problem the robot has no a priori
knowledge about the environment but should nevertheless find a short search
or exploration path. Such problems are called online problems in theoretical
computer science. Their effectiveness is usually measured by the competitive
ratio which is the quotient of the cost of the online algorithm's solution
over the optimal offline cost computed with full a priori knowledge.
In this talk, I will present some recent research results on the three
problems mentioned above. In particular, I will discuss algorithms for
geometric routing in planar graphs (an important problem in mobile ad-hoc
networks), an exploration algorithm for directed planar graphs that is much
more effective than the known algorithms for general directed graphs,
and a general framework to transform exploration algorithms into
approximation algorithms for the search ratio. The search ratio is the
worst-case quotient of the distance to a goal when traveling along an
exploration path over the shortest distance to the goal.
When a protein is isolated in an experiment, one would like to know
whether it is already known, i.e., one would like to check whether the
protein is stored in the databases of known proteins. Otherwise, if
the protein is new, then we will start to investigate it from scratch.
A commonly employed approach for database lookup compares the masses
of fragments of the protein (its mass fingerprint) against the
proteins stored in a database. We will present and discuss efficient
algorithms, that allow to compare one mass against a given protein
sequence in time sublinear in the sequence length.
If the protein does not occur in the databases, we want to establish
its amino acid sequence. This process is called de novo protein
sequencing. There are algorithms available that can determine the
correct amino acid sequence efficiently, given a noise-free tandem
mass spectrum (MS/MS spectrum) of the protein. However, real-life
MS/MS spectra are always prone to error, which makes the sequencing
process difficult. In fact, we conjecture that a single MS/MS spectrum
does not contain sufficient information to allow for reliable de novo
sequencing. For this reason, we propose to develop techniques for
parallel protein sequencing, where many MS/MS spectra that belong to
the same protein are sequenced at once.
We survey a good deal of recent work on the set of all possible lists of
multiplicities among Hermitian matrices with a given graph G. When G is a
tree, there are especially strong results, and the maximum multiplicity,
along with other information is known in general. A number of classes of
trees for which all lists of multiplicities are known will be given, and
recent results about non-trees will be indicated as well. Underlying
methods, including constraints from a surprising theorem and construction
techniques will be indicated.
I will first give an overview of quantum information theory and algorithms, including some of my work on quantum Fourier transforms and quantum walks. I will then explain some nonlocal effects that can arise from entangled states, and how they are related to complexity classes that are based on multi-prover interactive proof systems.
Please join us in the lounge (EOW 330) for refreshments
after this talk. Dr. Cleve is a candidate for a Tier 1
Canada Research Chair in the department of Computer Science.
A matching in a graph H, may be viewed as a collection of vertex
disjoint subgraphs of H, each isomorphic to K2. Matchings
are fundamental objects of study in graph theory, providing many
rich examples of both structural theorems and algorithms.
Thus, it is natural to consider generalizations of matchings. To this end,
let G be a fixed family of graphs. A G-packing of H is a collection of
vertex disjoint subgraphs of H, each isomorphic to some member of G.
Graph packings have been extensively studied in the literature. The
speaker was part of a team that initiated the study for digraphs. In
this talk we will review basic results from matching theory. We will
then examine digraph packing problems, presenting both structural
theorems, for example analogs of Berge's Theorem and Hall's Theorem,
as well as algorithmic results. We shall focus on the cases when
G is a family of directed paths, and a family of oriented stars.
A t-(v, k, lambda) design is a set of v points, together
with a collection of k-subsets of the points, or blocks, such that
every t-subset of the points is contained in exactly lambda blocks.
Existence of t-(v, k, lambda) designs containing a certain
configuration D (for instance, an n-fold repeated block or two
blocks meeting in exactly µ points) can be viewed as the existence of
nonnegative integral solutions x to an equation W x = b, where
W is a 0,1-matrix depending on the parameters v, k, t, and
b is a vector depending on lambda and D. When the
integrality constraint on x is dropped, the resulting necessary
condition on such a design is known as the cone condition. This
talk will discuss how the Farkas Lemma, when applied to the cone
condition, implies some classical and some new inequalities concerning the
structure of t-designs. In particular, certain polynomials with
connections to design theory will be explored. This is joint work with
Richard M. Wilson at the California Institute of Technology.
Robert Moody will be visiting the Mathematics Department at the
University of Victoria this spring as a Lansdowne Lecturer.
Professor Robert Moody is one of Canada's leading mathematicians.
He received the Wigner Medal in Mathematical Physics, jointly with
Victor Kac (MIT). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and an
Officer of the Order of Canada. Descriptions of his three talks are given below.
People have been struggling with the problem of commensurability
(finding a common measure for two magnitudes) and its opposite,
incommensurability, since the ancient times, for it arises for anyone
trying to fathom the great cycles of Nature. In Euclid one finds one of
the oldest of all algorithms, that of finding the common measure of two
magnitudes -- still used countless times everyday in public key
encryption. But, as the Greeks also discovered, this algorithm is not
foolproof: incommensurables exist. This incommensurability runs like a
common thread through the ages and is no less interesting and puzzling
nowadays where it arises in the quasicrystals and incommensurable
phases of materials science as well as in the recent work on aperiodic
tilings. Throughout all this the number 5 plays a charming and
enigmatic role, as we shall see.
In this lecture we traverse some of these ideas from ancient to modern
times and indicate some of the wonderful mathematics they have
generated. The lecture is intended for a general audience, mathematical
or otherwise.
This talk, intended for a general mathematical audience, will be a
natural follow-up for the public lecture, now looking at the
mathematics that has been developed recently to study the phenomenon of
long-range aperiodic order. This will lead us through diffraction,
tilings, dynamical systems, and some of the remarkable properties of
discrete point sets called Meyer sets . If time permits we will say a
few things about physical quasicyrstals and the problems facing
theorists in that subject.
In 1991, R.Thomas posed the problem: does every large connected
matroid have a large circuit or cocircuit? This problem was
answered affirmatively by Lovasz, Schrijver, and Seymour who
showed that for any connected matroid M with circumference c
and cocircumference c*, it holds that |e(M)| <= 2^{c+c*-1}.
Later Lemos and Oxley improved this bound by showing that
|e(M)| <= (1/2)cc*. Oxley posed as a conjecture a
stronger result: For any connected matroid M with at least 2
elements, one can find a collection of at most c*(M) cycles
which cover each element of M at least twice.
We shall show the above conjecture is true for graphic matroids;
that is, for any 2-connected graph G with cocircumference
c*(G) there is a collection of at most c*(G) cycles which
cover the edges of G at least twice (which also settles a
problem raised by Oxley). The central idea is to show that for any
2-connected graph G there is a circuit which intersects every
cocircuit of size c*(G). We shall discuss extensions of this
and related results to matroids.
Many combinatorial optimization problems of theoretical and
practical interest are NP-hard. Unless P = NP, there are no polynomial time
algorithms that give optimal solutions for these problems. Hence, it is
natural to try and design efficient approximation algorithms for these
In this talk, I will describe my recent results in this area by focusing on
two NP-hard optimization problems: a) Maximizing the number of satisfied
equations in a system of linear equations mod 2 and b) Computing the best
lower dimensional subspace that fits a given set of points in a high
dimensional space.
These results are joint work with Johan Hastad, Kasturi Varadarajan and
Jiawei Zhang.
With the current information explosion, massive data sets
are now pervasive and they pose new challenges in algorithm design. For
example, a linear time algorithm, which was considered as the ultimate
efficiency goal for many years, could easily be unacceptably slow for
massive data sets. It is thus necessary to develop algorithms that use
sublinear amount of time or space resources. Recently, great progress has
been made in this research direction, and the study of sublinear algorithms
has emerged as a field unto itself. In computational geometry, such
sublinear efficiency is traditionally achieved by performing a one-time
preprocessing of the data. This is often a satisfactory solution, but is of
little use when datasets are so massive that examining the whole input --
let alone preprocessing it -- is out of the question.
We initiate an investigation of sublinear algorithms in the domain of
geometry and show that, for many classical geometric problems, the standard
representation of the input or the standard data-structures supporting it,
allow for sublinear algorithms. These algorithms randomly sample a small
fraction of the input and do not require any preprocessing.
We present randomized algorithms for the following problems: detecting the
intersection of convex 3D polyhedra; ray-shooting and nearest-neighbor with
respect to polyhedra; point location in two-dimensional planar subdivision.
All presented algorithms run in expected time O(sqrt n), where n is the
size of the input. We also provide approximation algorithms with similar
running times for finding the volume of a polytope and for finding the
shortest path between two points on the boundary a polytope. In a different
setting, we look at the well known problem of computing the weight of the
minimal spanning tree in Euclidean space. We show how to approximate this
weight in O(sqrt n) time. Prior to these results, the problems described
above had only linear or superlinear algorithms.
The talk contains results achieved together with B. Chazelle, D. Liu, A.
Czumaj, F. Ergun, L. Fortnow, I. Newman, R. Rubinfeld and C. Sohler.
We study the complexity of a well-known data structure problem called
the static membership problem: Given a set of keys, S, drawn from a
large underlying universe U, store S as succintly as possible so that
membership queries of the form "Is q in S?" can be answered efficiently.
We look at deterministic and randomized schemes for this problem and
show that randomization helps.
Wendy Myrvold
Tuesday Jan. 13, 2:30, Clearihue A-204
Kui Wu
Friday Jan. 16, 2:30, EOW 430
Seok-Hee Hong
School of Information Technologies
University of Sydney, Australia
Friday Jan. 23, 2:30, EOW 430
Rudolf Fleischer
Department of Computer Science
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Thursday Jan. 29, 1:30, Clearihue A-309
Rapid Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry
Mark Cieliebak
ETH Zuerich
Monday Feb 2, 1:30, EOW 430
Charles R. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
Thursday Feb. 12, 1:30 pm, Clearihue C-109
Richard Cleve
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Monday Feb. 16, 1:30, EOW 430
Richard Brewster
UCC and Bishop's University
Tuesday Feb. 17, 2:30, Cle D-267
Peter Dukes
University of Toronto
Wednesday Feb. 18, 2:30, Cle D-267
Incommensurability: algorithms, tilings, and the
strangeness of the number five
Robert Moody
Monday Feb. 23, 3:30, Clearihue A-309
Robert Moody
Thursday Feb. 26, 3:30, Clearihue A-311
This will be a rather informal presentation in which, interactively
with whoever would like to attend, we will elaborate further on topics
and problems brought up in the first two lectures. In particular, if
there is interest, I would like to talk a little about the pinwheel
tilings and the new issues that arise around them.
Robert Moody
Friday Feb. 27, 3:30, Clearihue D-267
Sean McGuinness
Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Friday March 5, 2:30, Cle A-203
Venkatesh Srinivasan
Monday March 15, 1:30, EOW 430
Avner Magen
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Thursday March 18, 1:30, EOW 430
Venkatesh Srinivasan
Friday Apr. 2, 2:30, EOW 430
Schedule of Talks: Spring 2004
/ maintained by
Wendy Myrvold /
/ revised May 9, 2004