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If you would like to give a talk in our seminar series, please contact Wendy Myrvold (wendym@cs.uvic.ca). To get e-mail notification of our seminars and other events, you can subscribe to the CAG e-mail list at http://mailman.csc.uvic.ca/mailman/listinfo/cag
Date | Place | Time | Speaker | Abbreviated Title |
Fri. Jan. 22 | 3:00pm | ECS 108 | Alejandro Erickson | Tatami Tilings |
Fri. Feb. 26 | 2:45pm | ECS 108 | Emmanuel Godard | Self-stabilizing algorithms for the median problem |
Thurs. Mar. 18 | 2:30pm | DSB C 118 | Omer Angel | Local and global properties of graphs. |
Thurs. Mar. 25 | 3:30pm | Cle A 215 | Richard Brualdi | (0,1)-Matrices and Nonnegative Eigenvalues |
Mon. Mar. 29 | 2:30pm | Mac D103 | Richard Anstee | Perfect Matchings in Grid Graphs after Vertex Deletions |
Fri. Apr. 9 | 2:30pm | ECS 660 | Petra Berenbrink | Speeding up random walks with neighborhood exploration |
Fri. Apr. 23 | 3:30pm | DSB C118 | Peter Horak | Tiling n-space by cubes |
Fri. Apr. 30 | 2:30pm | ECS 660 | Cedric Chauve | On matrices that do not have the Consecutive-Ones Property |
A lattice tiling T of n-space by cubes is a tiling where the centers
of cubes in T form a group under the vector addition. In 1907
Minkowski conjectured that in a lattice tiling of n-space by unit
cubes there must be a pair of cubes that share a complete
(n-1)-dimensional face. Minkowski's problem attracted a lot of attention
as it is an interface of several mathematical disciplines. In fact,
Minkowski's problem, like many ideas in mathematics, can trace its
roots to the Pythagorean theorem
a2 + b2 = c2.
We discuss the conjecture, its history and variations, and then
we describe some problems that Minkowski's conjecture, in turn,
suggested. We will focus on tilings of n-space by clusters of cubes,
namely by spheres in Lee metric, and show how these tilings are
related to the perfect error-correcting codes. The Golomb-Welch
conjecture, the long-standing and the most famous conjecture in
the area, will be discussed. At the end of our talk we will consider
tilings by n-crosses, the Lee spheres of radius 1 (if we reflect an
n-dimensional cube in all its faces, then the 2n+1 obtained cubes
form an n-cross). Some "unexpected" tilings by n-crosses will be
There has been a recent renewed interest in the computational biology
community for the classical Consecutive-Ones Property (c1P) for binary
matrices, motivated by the reconstruction of ancestral genomes. In general,
binary matrices obtained from real data do not satisfy the C1P, while
they should if the data were error-free.
In the first part of the talk, I will introduce the notion of Minimal C1P
Conflicting Set (MCS) for a given binary matrix M, that are the minimum
sets of rows of M that do not satisfy the C1P. I will discuss the
combinatorial properties of MCS and several algorithmic questions:
counting the number of MCS a row of M belongs to, deciding if a row
is part of at least one MCS, generating all MCS. I will present
exponential time algorithms for these questions based on old
results of Tucker and on the generation of Minimum True Clauses for Monotone
Boolean Functions. Work in collaboration with V. You, T. Stephen and U.U. Haus.
In the second part of the talk I will briefly discuss complexity results related
to variants of the C1P, where limited gaps are allowed between blocks of 1's.
This is joint work with with M. Patterson and J. Manuch.
The Tatami mat is typically a large 2x1 straw mat that was traditionally used
to floor the houses of Japanese nobility. It is believed that if a junction
between mats forms a "+" shape, they will bring bad fortune. That is, no
four mats may meet at a point. The problem of placing mats and half-mats is
the monomer-dimer tiling problem with the same Tatami condition. First, we
show that all such tilings have a rigid structure which admits nice inductive
proofs and promises answers to many counting problems on Tatami tilings.
Second, we prove that a Tatami tiling of a R x C rectangle has at most
Max{R+1,C+1} monomers and that the number of Tatami tilings of a N x N grid
with N monomers is N 2^{N-1}. We conclude by posing a few open
problems including some hardness questions.
This is joint work with Frank Ruskey, Mark Schurch, and Jenni Woodcock.
Given a graph G = (V, E), a vertex v of G is a median vertex if it
minimizes the sum of the distances to all other vertices of
G. The median problem consists in finding the set of all median vertices
of G.
A self-stabilizing algorithm is a distributed algorithm that can
recover from any transient fault.
We present a self-stabilizing algorithm for the median problem in
partial rectangular grids. Our algorithm is based on the fact that
partial rectangular grids can be isometrically embedded into the
Cartesian product of two trees. These trees are closely related to two
spanning trees of the partial grid, to which we apply the algorithm
proposed by Antonoiu, Srimani (1999) and Bruell, Ghosh, Karaata,
Pemmaraju (1999) for computing the medians in trees.
Then we extend our approach from partial rectangular grids to some other
plane quadrangulations.
This is joint work with Victor Chepoi, Tristan Fevat, and Yann Vaxè
(Aix-Marseille Université)
I will discuss the relation between the local structure
and local properties of a graph (such as vertex degrees
and allowed neighborhoods and recurrence of random walk)
and global properties such as size and planarity. For
example, an elegant result of Benjamini and Schramm states
(loosely) that (finitary) planar graphs are uniformly
recurrent. The talk relates to works with Szegedy,
Sheffield, Silberman, and Wilson.
(0,1)-matrices are, in particular, nonnegative matrices, and so the
Perron-Frobenius theory of nonnegative matrices applies to them. Thus
they have a nonnegative eigenvalue that is at least as large as the
magnitude of all other eigenvalues. Requiring all eigenvalues to be
nonnegative imposes severe restrictions on a matrix. The class of
matrices known as totally nonnegative (TNN) matrices is a proper
subclass of the class of matrices with only nonnegative eigenvalues.
TNN (0,1)-matrices have interesting properties and are characterized
by four forbidden submatrices.
This talk is based on joint research with Steve Kirkland.
We consider the d-dimensional grid graph G=Gm^d on vertices
{1,2, ... ,m}d (a subset of Zd)
where two vertices are joined if and
only if their coordinates differ in one place and have a difference
of just 1. The graph is bipartite and the md vertices have
bipartition W
and B (sets W, B can be determined by the parity
of their sum of coordinates).
We show that there are constants a(d), and b(d) so that for every even m,
if we choose subsets B' contained in B and W' contained in W in the
d-dimensional grid graph G which satisfy three conditions
This is joint work with Jonathan Blackman and Gavin Yang, UBC.
We consider the following marking process (Rand) made by a random
walk on an undirected graph G. Upon arrival at a vertex v, it marks
v if unmarked and otherwise it marks a randomly chosen unmarked neighbor
of v. We also consider a variant of this process called Rank.
Here each vertex is assigned a global random rank first and then in
each step, the walk marks the lowest ranked unmarked neighbor of
the currently visited vertex.
Depending on the degree and the expansion of the graph, we prove several
upper bounds on the time required by these processes to mark all
vertices. For instance, if G is a hypercube or random graph, our
processes mark all vertices in time O(n), significantly speeding up the
THETA(n log n)-cover time of standard random walks.
This is joint work with Colin Cooper, Robert Elsaesser, Tomasz Radzik, and
Thomas Sauerwald.
Peter Horak, University of Washington, Tacoma
Friday April 23, 3:30pm, DSB C118
Cedric Chauve, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Friday April 30, 2:30pm, ECS 660
Previous Talks:
Alejandro Erickson
Friday Jan. 22, 3pm, ECS 108
Emmanuel Godard
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale
University of Aix-Marseille, France
Friday Feb. 26, 2:45pm, ECS 108
Omer Angel, Mathematics Department, UBC
Thurs. March 18, 2:30pm, DSB C118
Richard A. Brualdi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thurs. March 25, 3:30pm, Clearihue A215
Richard Anstee, Department of Mathematics, UBC
Monday March 29, 2:30pm, Maclaurin D103
(i) |B'|=|W'|,
(ii) for any x, y in B' then dG(x,y)> a(d) m1/d + b(d), and
(iii) for any x,y in W' then dG(x,y) > a(d) m1/d + b(d),
then G with the vertices B' and W' deleted has a perfect matching.
The factor m1/d is best possible.
Petra Berenbrink, School of Computing Science, SFU
Friday April 9, 2:30pm, ECS 660
Schedule of Talks: Spring 2010
/ maintained by
Wendy Myrvold /
/ revised Apr. 16, 2010