Implicit Modelling Research
First iso-surface polygonizer (Not Marching Cubes) published 1986:
Our polygonizer reduced memory requirement by using a hash table for occupied voxels, thus avoiding storing every voxel. We also had a second grid of voxels for limiting the number of implicit skeletons to be searched when calculating the field value (common nowadays for SPH implementations. Together these features made our algorithm more than an order of magnitude times faster than MC depending on the number of primitives and memory available. Our original implementation used a 'case' statement (generated by program) instead of a table to compute the different cases of cube vertices being inside or outside the isosurface. This is computationally equivalent to the MC table. Unlike MC we noted the sampling problem that leads to ambiguous polygonization decisions. We ameliorated (but no solved) the poblem by taking an extra centre sample. This problem is associated with any method that relies only on implicit function samples. Later Brian Wyvill and Kees van Overveld published a method known as 'Shrinkwrap', which uses a local Lipschitz constant to find the minimum edge length to ensure there is no sign change in the field kees:shrinkwrap04
Published as Data structures for Soft Objects: Click for pdf.
This work was not cited in the MC paper despite a request by the 1987 SIGGRAPH papers chair. At that time, General Electric had applied for a patent on MC. It is believed that the company did not allow the authors to add the reference to avoid any problem with a prior art claim by users of our method.
The papers are sorted by year. Click on the appropriate reference to download the pdf version of the paper. One day I will add older papers to the list.
Links : 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994
List of all published papers and research reports.
Also early animation of implicit models paper Animating |
CurviSlicer: Slightly Curved Slicing for 3-Axis Printers
Etienne, Jimmy and Ray, Nicolas and Panozzo, Daniele and Hornus, Samuel and Wang, Charlie C. L. and Mart\'{\i}nez, Jon\`{a}s and McMains, Sara and Alexa, Marc and Wyvill, Brian and Lefebvre, Sylvain
ACM Trans. Graph. SIGGRAPH 2019
VIPER: Volume Invariant Position-Based Elastic Rods
Angles, Baptiste and Rebain, Daniel and Macklin, Miles and Wyvill, Brian and Barthe, Loic and Lewis, Jp and Von Der Pahlen, Javier and Izadi, Shahram and Valentin, Julien and Bouaziz, Sofien
Proc. ACM Comput. Graph. Interact. Tech. 2019
Implicit Representation of Inscribed Volumes
Sahbaei, Parto and Mould, David and Wyvill, Brian
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2018
Sketch-Based Implicit Blending
Baptiste Angles, Marco Tarini, Brian Wyvill, Loic Barthe, and Andrea Tagliasacchi
ACM Trans. on Graphics - Siggraph Asia 2017
Efficient data-parallel tree-traversal for BlobTrees
Herbert Grasberger and Jean-Luc Duprat and Brian Wyvill and Paul Lalonde and Jarek Rossignac
Computer Aided Design, 2016, issn 0010-5586.
Also presented at SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling.
Average curve of smooth planar curves
Mukul Sati and Jarek Rossignac and Raimund Seidel and Brian Wyvill and Suraj Musuvathy
Computer Aided Design, 2016, issn 0010-4485.
Also presented at SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling.
Obstacle Detection for Image-Guided Surface Water Navigation
T. Sadhu, A. B. Albu, M. Hoeberechts, Wisernig E., and B. Wyvill
Proc. 2016 13th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Visualization, and Imaging pp 45-52, DOI 10.1109/CRV.2016.34, June 2016.
Composition and Perception beyond Photorealism
Ji, Li, Brian Wyvill, Lynda Gammon, and Amy Gooch.
Proc. ACM/Eurographics Expressive 2016, Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging.
(Bridging Papers), ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5}, DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161261}, Lisbon May 2016
Painting with Flowsnakes
Brian Wyvill
Proc. ACM/Eurographics Expressive 2015, Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging pp 63--74,
A Survey on Implicit Surface Polygonization
de Araujo, B. R. and Lopes, Daniel S. and Jepp, Pauline and Jorge, Joaquim A. and Brian Wyvill
ACM Comput. Surv. 2015, vo. 47, no. 4, pp 60:1--60:39,
Rendering Artistic Light Patterns
Ji, L. and Gooch, A. and Gammon, L. and Wyvill, B.
Proc. ACM/Eurographics Expressive 2015, Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging pp 1--13,
Augmented Reality Visualization for Sailboats
Eduard Wisernig, Tanmana Sadhuyz, Catlin Zilinski, Brian Wyvill, Alexandra Branzan Albu
Proc. CyberWorlds 2015, Visby Sweden, October 2015
Robust Iso-Surface Tracking for Interactive Character Skinning
Rodolphe Valiant, Loic Barthe, Gael Guennebaud, Marie-Paule Cani, Brian Wyvill
ACM Transactions Siggraph Asia 2014, 32(4)
Implicit Decals: Interactive Editing of Repetitive Patterns on Surfaces
de Groot, E., Wyvill, B., Barthe, L., Nasri, A and Lalonde, P
Computer Graphics Forum, 33(1), pp141--151, 2014
Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling
Rodolphe Valiant, Loic Barthe, Gael Guennebaud, Marie-Paule Cani, Damien Rohmer, Brian Wyvill, Oliver Gourmel, Mathias Paulin
ACM Transactions Siggraph 2013, 32(4), pp125:1--125:12, 2013
A Gradient-Based Implicit Blend
Olivier Gourmel, Loic Barthe, Marie-Paule Cani, Brian Wyvill, Adrien Bernhardt, Mathias Paulin and Herbert Grasberger
ACM Transactions on Graphics ACM Transactions, 32(2), pp12:1--12:12, 2013
A Data-Efficient Collaborative Modelling Method using Websockets and the BlobTree for Over-the Air Networks
Herbert Grasberger, Pourya Shirazian, Brian Wyvill, and Saul Greenberg
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
ISBN 978-1-4503-2133-4, pp 29-37, Published by ACM, 2013
Determining an Aesthetic Inscribed Curve
B. Wyvill, P. Kry, R. Seidel and D. Mould
Proc. Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, pp 63--70,
Published by Eurographics. D. Cunningham and D. House (Editors) 2012
Polygonization of implicit surfaces on Multi-Core Architectures with SIMD instructions
P. Shirazian, B. Wyvill and J.L. Duprat
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV), pp 89--98,
Published by Eurographics. H. Childs and T. Kuhlen (Editors) 2012
ShapeShop: Free-Form 3D Design with Implicit Solid Modeling Ryan Schmidt and Brian Wyvill
In "Sketch-based Interfaces and Modeling" J. Jorge, F. Samavati (eds.),
Published by Springer, Research Monograph, pp 287–311, 2011. [PDF]
Aesthetic Agents: Swarm-based Non-photorealistic Rendering using Multiple Images
J. Love, P. Pasquier, B. Wyvill, S.Gibson and G. Tzanetakis
Proc. Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, pp 47--54,
Published by Eurographics. A. Wanner and A. Bevans (Editors) 2011
Implicit Blending Revisited Bernhardt Adrien, Barthe Loïc, Cani Marie-Paule, Wyvill Brian
Comput. Graph. Forum, 29 (2), 367–375, 2010. [PDF]
see also
Recursive Scene Graphs for Art and Design
Brian Wyvill and Neil Dodgson
Proc. Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, pp 23-31,
Published by Eurographics. O. Deussen and P. Jepp (Editors) 2010.
[PDF] |
WarpCurves: A Tool for Explicit Manipulation of Implicit Surfaces
Masamichi Sugihara, Brian Wyvill and Ryan Schmidt
SMI 2010. slected for special issue of Computers And Graphics, vol , no. , pp
June 2010,
see also
Precise Construction and Control of Implicit Fillets in the BlobTree
Herbert Grasberger, Andrea Weidlich, Alexander Wilkie and Brian Wyvill
SMI 2010.ISBN: 978-0-7695-4072-6, pp 151--162
June 2010,
Locally Restricted Blending of BlobTrees
Erwin de Groot, Brian Wyvill, Huub van de Wetering
Computers And Graphics, vol 33, no. 6, pp 690--697
Dec 2009,
[PDF] |
Automatically Mimicking Unique Hand Drawn Pencil Lines
Zainab Meraj, Brian Wyvill, Tobias Isenberg, Amy Gooch, Richard Guy Computers And Graphics (accepted)
An earlier version of this paper was published as Proc. Computational Aesthetics 2008
June 2009,
[PDF] |
A Sketch-Based Method to Control Deformation in a Skeletal Implicit Surface Modeler (2008).
Masamichi Sugihara, Erwin de Groot, Brian Wyvill, Ryan Schmidt.
5th Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling. [Project] [PDF] |
Polygonal Silhouette Error Correction: A Reverse Subdivision Approach, Kevin Foster, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz F. Samavati and Brian Wyvill, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 53-70, 2007. [PDF] |
Improving the Sketch-Based Interface: Forming Curves from Many Small Strokes
Pusch, R., Samavati, F.F., Nasri, A., and Wyvill, B. The Visual Computer, Vol. 23, No. 9-11, 2007.
[PDF] |
Mimicking Hand Drawn Pencil Lines
Zainab Meraj, Brian Wyvill, Tobias Isenberg, Amy Gooch, Richard Guy
Proc. Computational Aesthetics 2008
June 2008, 73-- 80.
[PDF] |
Sketching, Scaffolding, and Inking: A Visual History for Interactive 3D Modeling (2007)
Ryan Schmidt, Tobias Isenberg, Pauline Jepp, Karan Singh, Brian Wyvill.
Proceedings of NPAR 2007, pp. 23-32.
[PDF] [PDF Slides] [Details] |
Interactive Decal Compositing with Discrete Exponential Maps (2006).
Ryan Schmidt, Cindy Grimm, Brian Wyvill.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2006), 25(3), July 2006, pp. 605-613.
[PDF] [Video] [Figures] [Project] [Tech Report] [Demo+Source] |
ShapeShop: Sketch-Based Solid Modeling with BlobTrees (2005)
Ryan Schmidt, Brian Wyvill, Mario Costa Sousa, Joaquim A. Jorge.
2nd Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, pp. 53-62.
[PDF] [Figures] [PDF Slides] [Powerpoint Slides w/ Videos] [Project] |
Sketch-Based Modeling with the BlobTree (2005).
Ryan Schmidt, Brian Wyvill, Mario Costa Sousa.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005, Technical Sketch.
[PDF] [Figures] [Video] [PDF Slides] [Project] |
Interactive Implicit Modeling with Hierarchical Spatial Caching (2005).
Ryan Schmidt, Brian Wyvill, Eric Galin.
Proceedings of Shape Modeling International 2005, pp. 104 - 113.
[PDF] [PDF Slides] [Tech Report ] |
Pen-and-Ink for BlobTree Implicit Models
Kevin Foster, Pauline Jepp, Brian Wyvill, Mario Costa Sousa, Callum Galbraith, Joaquim A. Jorge
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2005)
24(3) (2005), 267 -- 276. |
Sketch Based Construction and Rendering of Implicit Models (2005).
Brian Wyvill, Kevin Foster, Pauline Jepp, Ryan Schmidt, Mario Costa Sousa, Joaquim A. Jorge.
1st Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging. [PDF] |
Generalized Sweep Templates for Implicit Modeling (2005).
Ryan Schmidt, Brian Wyvill.
Proeedings of GRAPHITE 2005, pp. 187-196.
[PDF] |
Precise Ink Drawing of 3D Models
Mario Costa Sousa, Kevin Foster, Brian Wyvill, Faramarz Samavati, Special issue of Computer Graphic Forum, Vol.22, No.3, 2003. [PDF] |
Reverse Subdivision
Multiresolution for Polygonal Silhouette Error
Kevin Foster, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati
and Brian Wyvill
Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
(Journal version of
2004 paper)
Sketch Based Construction and
Rendering of Implicit Models
Wyvill, Kevin Foster, Pauline Jepp,� Ryan Schmidt, Mario Costa Sousa, Joaquim A. Jorge
1st EG Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and
Imaging, Girona, Spain May,� 2005
Sketch Based
Modeling with the Blob Tree
Schmidt,� Brian Wyvill,� Mario Costa Sousa
ACM Siggraph 2005 Sketch presentation, August,� 2005
Interactive Modelling with
Implicit Sweep Surfaces, Ryan Schmidt and
Brian Wyvill,
ACM International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia � Graphite, Dunedin, New
Zealand, 2005
Rayskip: Faster Ray
Tracing of Implicit Surface Animations, Erwin de Groot and Brian Wyvill,
ACM International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia � Graphite, Dunedin, New
Zealand, 2005
Journal Articles
TITLE = "{Implicit Visualization
and Inverse Modeling of Growing Trees }",
AUTHOR = "Callum Galbraith and
Lars Mundermann and Brian Wyvill",
notes = "Special issue:
Proceedings of EuroGraphics 2004",
journal = "Computer Graphics Forum
VOLUME = "23",
NUMBER = "3",
pages = "337-348",
YEAR = {2004}
TITLE = "{ Fast Ray-Axis Aligned
Bounding Box Overlap Tests With Plucker Coordinates }",
AUTHOR = "Jeffrey Mahovsky and
Brian Wyvill",
JOURNAL = "The Journal of
Graphics Tools",
Publisher = "AK Peters Ltd,
Wellesley, Mass",
VOLUME = "9",
NUMBER = "1",
pages = "37-48",
YEAR = {2004}
TITLE = "{Shrinkwrap: An efficient
adaptive algorithm for triangulating an iso-surface }",
AUTHOR = "Kees van Overveld and
Brian Wyvill",
VOLUME = "20",
NUMBER = "6",
pages = "362-369",
journal = "The Visual Computer",
Publisher = "Published by Springer
year = {2004}
author = "L. Barthe and Brian Wyvill and Erwin DeGroot",
title = "Binary CSG Operators For Soft-Objects",
journal = "International Journal Shape Modelling",
PUBLISHER = "World Scientific Publishing",
NOTE = "accepted",
YEAR = {2004}
AUTHOR = "Brian Wyvill and
Kees van Overveld and Sheelagh Carpendale",
TITLE = "{Creating Cracks
for Batik Renderings}",
Proceedings of the third international symposium on Non-photorealistic
animation and rendering",
PUBLISHER = "ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics",
pages = "61-70",
YEAR = {2004}
TITLE = "BlobTree Tree ",
AUTHOR = "Callum Galbraith and
Peter MacMurchy and Brian Wyvill",
JOURNAL = "Proc. Computer
Graphics International '04",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society",
pages = "78-85",
YEAR = {2004}
Author = "Kevin Fostr and Mario
Costa-Sousa and Faramarz F. Samavati and Brian Wyvill",
Title = "Reverse Subdivision Multiresolution
for Polygonal Silhouette Error Correction",
Journal = "ICCSA2004. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science",
number = "3045",
pages = "247-256",
year = { 2004}
Journal Articles
author = "Jeffrey Mahovsky and Brian Wyvill",
title = "Memory Conserving Bounding Volume Hierarchies with
Coherent Ray Tracing",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics (submitted)",
YEAR = {2004}
author = "Erwin de Groot and Brian Wyvill and Huub van der
Wettering ",
title = "Better Blending Between Multiple Nodes of the BlobTree",
journal = "International Journal of Shape Modelling (submitted)",
note = "submitted",
YEAR = {2004}
author = "Lemos, R. R. and Epstein and M.; Herzog, W.and
Wyvill, B.",
title = "A framework for structured modeling of skeletal muscle",
journal = "Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical
PUBLISHER = "Taylor & Francis",
NOTE = "accepted, August 2004",
YEAR = {2004}
Journal Articles
author = "L. Barthe and N. A. Dodgson and M. A. Sabin and
B.Wyvill and V. Gaildrat",
title = "Two-dimensional Potential Fields for Advanced Implicit
Modeling Operators",
year = "2003",
month = mar,
journal = "Computer Graphics Forum",
volume = "22",
number = "1",
pages = "23--33",
TITLE = "{ Precise Ink Drawing of 3D Models }",
AUTHOR = "Mario Costa Sousa and Kevin Foster and
Brian Wyvill and Faramarz Samavati",
notes = "Special issue: Proceedings of EuroGraphics 2003",
journal = "Computer Graphics Forum ",
VOLUME = "22",
NUMBER = "3",
pages = "369-379",
YEAR = {2003}
Conference Papers
Samavati and M. Ali Nur and R. Bartels and B. Wyvill ",
"Progressive Curve Representation Based on Reverse Subdivision.",
2003 International Conference on Computational Science and Its
Applications, Montreal, Canada",
"Published by Springer Verlag",
MONTH = "May",
YEAR = {2003}
Lemos and M. Epstein and W. Herzog and Y. Kawakami and T. Kurihara T.
and B. Wyvill",
TITLE = "Modeling the Mechanical Behaviour of Skeletal Muscle at
different structural levels using a Continuum Approach.",
"Proceedings of the World Congress on medical physics and Biomedical
engineering. Sydney, Australia",
"International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering",
MONTH = "August
YEAR = {2003}
AUTHOR = "Xikun Liang and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{A General Framework for Implicit Modeling}",
JOURNAL = "Research Report No. 2003-717-20",
YEAR = {2003}
AUTHOR = "Brian Wyvill and Kees van Overveld and Sheelagh Carpendale",
TITLE = "{Visualizing Batik}",
JOURNAL = "Research Report No. 2002-701-04",
YEAR = {2002}
author = "Callum Galbraith and
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Brian Wyvill",
title = "Modeling a Murex cabritii
sea shell with a structured implicit surface modeler",
year = "2002",
journal = "The Visual Computer",
volume = "18",
number = "2",
pages = "70--80",
AUTHOR = "Callum Galbraith
and Mai Ali Nur and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{Data Structures
for Animating Implicit Surfaces}",
JOURNAL = "Proc. Graphics
NOTES = "Submitted",
YEAR = {2002},
MONTH = "May",
AUTHOR = "Craig Hickey and
Christian Jacob and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{Evolution of a
Neural Network for Gait Animation}",
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
(ASC 2002)",
YEAR = {2002},
MONTH = "July",
AUTHOR = "R. Lemos and M. Epstein and W. Herzog and B. Wyvill",
TITLE = "Modeling and
Visualization of the Mechanical Behaviour
of Skeletal Muscle using a Continuum Approach. Proceedings CD of IV
World Congress Biomechanics."
BOOKTITLE = "Proceeding of the 4th World Congress on
Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada",
PAGES = "192-199",
ORGANIZATION = "Canadian Society of Biomechanics",
MONTH = "August ",
YEAR = {2002}
AUTHOR = "Brian Wyvill and David Ebert and Markus
TITLE = "{Course Notes}",
JOURNAL = "SIGGRAPH '2002, Course \#41,
Non-Traditional Modeling",
YEAR = {2002}
Coming Soon
AUTHOR = "R. Lemos and M. Epstein and W. Herzog and B. Wyvill",
TITLE = "Realistic Skeletal Muscle Deformation using Finite
BOOKTITLE = "Proceeding of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on
Graphics and Image Processing. Florianopolis, Brazil",
PAGES = "192-199",
ORGANIZATION = "IEEE Computer Society",
MONTH = "October",
YEAR = {2001}
AUTHOR = "X.K. Liang and
Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "Hierarchical
Implicit Surface Refinement",
JOURNAL = "Proc. Computer
Graphics International, Hong Kong",
PAGES = {291-298},
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society",
YEAR = {2001}
AUTHOR = "Mai Ali Nur and
Kevin Liang and Brian Wyvill and George Bourne",
TITLE = "Animating the
Escape Response of the Sea Anemone, Stomphia coccinea from the
Starfish, Dermasterias imbricata Modeled Using Implicit Surfaces",
JOURNAL = "Proc. Computer
Graphics International, Hong Kong",
PAGES = {81-88},
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society",
YEAR = {2001}
AUTHOR = "Kevin Liang and
Mai Ali Nur and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "Modelling the
Structure of the Sea Anemone and the Sea Star Using Hierarchical
Implicit Surfaces",
JOURNAL = "Proc. Pacific
Graphics, Tokyo",
PAGES = {265-274},
NOTES = "In Press",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society",
YEAR = {2001}
@ARTICLE {Lemos:2001a,
AUTHOR = "Robson Lemos and
Marcelo Epstein and Walter Herzog and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{ Simulation of a
Three-dimensional Geometric Model of Skeletal Muscle using the Finite
Element Method}",
JOURNAL = "Proc.
International Society of Biomechanics - XVIII Congress, Zurich,
PAGES = "23",
YEAR = {2001},
@ARTICLE {FoxJBT:2001,
AUTHOR = "Mark Fox and
Callum Galbraith and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{Efficient
Implementation of the BlobTree for Rendering Purposes}",
JOURNAL = "Proc. Shape
Modelling International, Genova, Italy",
YEAR = {2001},
MONTH = "May",
@ARTICLE {Lemos:2001b,
AUTHOR = "Robson Lemos and
Marcelo Epstein and Walter Herzog and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{A Proposal for
Geometric Skeletal Muscle Deformation using the Finite Element
JOURNAL = "Proc. Twelfth
Western Computer Graphics Symposium",
PUBLISHER = "Washington State University",
PAGE = "89-97",
YEAR = {2001},
MONTH = "March",
AUTHOR="Robson Lemos and Walter Herzog and Brian
TITLE = "Three-Dimensional Geometric Model of Skeletal
JOURNAL = "Skeletal Muscle Mechanics: From Mechanisms to
Function, Walter Herzog (Ed.) ",
PUBLISHER = "John Wiley and Sons",
PAGE = {179-205},
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Mai Ali Nur and Kevin Liang and Brian Wyvill
and George Bourne",
TITLE = "Animating the Escape Response of Stomphia coccinea from
Dermasterias imbricata Modeled Using Implicit Surfaces",
JOURNAL = "University of Calgary, Dept. of Computer Science, Research
Report 2001-679-02",
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Kevin Liang and Mai Ali Nur and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "Modelling the Structure of the Sea Anemone, Stompia
Coccinea and the Sea Star, Dermasterias Imbricata Using Implicit
JOURNAL = "University of Calgary, Dept. of Computer Science, Research
Report 2000-672-24",
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Brian Wyvill and Pauline Jepp and Kees van Overveld
and Geoff Wyvill",
TITLE = "Subdivision Surfaces for Fast Approximate Implicit
JOURNAL = "University of Calgary, Dept. of Computer Science, Research
Report 2000-671-23",
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "X.K. Liang and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "Hierarchical Modelling of the BlobTree with Primitive
Based Local Refinement",
JOURNAL = "University of Calgary, Dept. of Computer Science, Research
Report 2000-673-25",
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Callum Galbraith and Przemek Prusinkiewicz and Brian
TITLE = "Modeling Murex cabritii Seashell with a Structured
Surface Mod
eler ",
JOURNAL = "Proc. CG International 2000",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society",
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Mark Tigges and Brian Wyvill",
Title = "Python for Scene and Model Description for
JOURNAL = "Proc. IPC 2000",
MONTH = "January",
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Geoff Wyvill and
Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "Illustrating
NOTES = "Siggraph 2000
JOURNAL = "ACM Siggraph 2000
YEAR = {2000}
AUTHOR = "Brian Wyvill and
Geoff Wyvill",
TITLE = "Better Blending
of implicit
objects at different scales.",
NOTES = "Siggraph 2000
JOURNAL = "ACM Siggraph 2000
= {2000}
AUTHOR = "Mark Tigges and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "A Field Interpolated Texture Mapping Algorithm for
Skeletal Implicit Surfaces",
PAGES = {25-33},
JOURNAL = "Proc. CG International 99",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society ISBN: 0-7695-0185-0",
YEAR = {1999}
AUTHOR = "Mark Tigges and Sheelagh Carpendale and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "Alternate Distance Metrics for Implicit Surface
JOURNAL = "Graphics Interface 1999 Poster Session,Kingston
MONTH = "June"
YEAR = {1999}
@ARTICLE {Wyvill99a,
AUTHOR = "Kees van Overveld and Mark Tigges and Brian Wyvill",
TITLE = "{Soft Shadows for Soft Objects}",
JOURNAL = "Implicit Surfaces,Proceedings of Fourth Eurographics
on Implicit Surfaces, Bordeaux, France. ",
NOTE = "Sponsored by ACM and Eurographics",
VOLUME = "4",
YEAR = {1999},
MONTH = "September",
@ARTICLE {Wyvill99,
AUTHOR = "Brian Wyvill and Eric Galin and Andrew Guy",
TITLE = "{Extending The CSG Tree. Warping, Blending and Boolean
Operations in an Implicit Surface Modeling System}",
JOURNAL = "Computer Graphics Forum",
VOLUME = "18",
NUMBER = "2",
PAGES = "149--158",
YEAR = {1999},
MONTH = "June",
old list