Jon C. Muzio

                       Professor - Computer Science

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Journal and Conference 

40           J.C. Muzio &  D.M. Miller, A Class of Two-place Three-valued Unary Generators, Notre Dame Journal

               of Formal Logic, vol. 21, p. 148-154, 1980.


39           J.C. Muzio, Composite Spectra and the Analysis of Switching Circuits, IEEE Transactions on

               Computers,  vol. C-29, pp. 750-753, 1980.


38           G. Epstein, D.M. Miller, and J.C. Muzio, Selecting Don’t care Sets for Symmetric Many-valued

               Functions:  a Pictorial Approach using Matrices, Proceedings of the Tenth International  Symposium

              on Multiple-Valued Logic, pp. 219-225, 1980.


37           J.C. Muzio & I. G. Rosenberg, Large Classes of Functionally Complete Operations, Proceedings of the  Tenth  International  Symposium on Multiple-Valued  Logic, pp. 94-101, 1980.


36           J.C. Muzio & D.M. Miller, On the Minimization of Many-valued Functions, Proc. 9th International Symposium on Multiple-valued logic, pp. 294-299, 1979.


35           J.C. Muzio, Classes of Universal Decision Elements using Negative Substitutions, Notre Dame

               Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 20, pp. 314-320, 1979.


34           J.C. Muzio, Concerning Low Order Spectral Coefficients, IEE Journal on Computers and Digital Techniques,  vol. 2, pp. 197-202, 1979


33           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Detection of Symmetries in Totally Specified or Partially Specified Combinational Functions, IEE Journal on Computers and Digital Techniques,  vol. 2, pp. 203-209, 1979.


32           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, The Distribution of Symmetry Information in the Spectrum of a Boolean Function,  Electronic Letters, vol 15, pp. 816-817, 1979.


31           J.C. Muzio, A Note Concerning a Sole Sufficient Operator,  Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,

               vol. 19, pp. 419-420, 1978.


30           J.C. Muzio & S.L. Hurst, The Computation of Complete and Reduced Sets of Orthogonal Spectral Coefficients for Logic Design and Pattern Recognition Purposes,  Computers and Electrical

                Engineering,  vol. 5, pp. 231-249, 1978.


29           J.C. Muzio, Evaluation of the Spectra of Sum and Product Functions,  IEE Journal on Computers  and

               Digital Techniques, vol. 1, pp. 113-118, 1978.


28           J.C. Muzio, M.S. Doyle and G.K. Yuill, SCORBCOMP: a Super Cooled Orbiting Computer,

               Proceedings of the CIPS Conference ,  pp. 94-101, 1978.


27           J.C. Muzio & T.C. Wesselkamper, Generalized Finite Post Algebras, , Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic,  pp. 235-241, 1978.


26           J.C. Muzio, A Prefix Operator for a Switching Algebra, International Journal of Computer and

                Information Sciences,  vol. 6, pp. 151-163, 1977.


25           J.C. Muzio, The Class Structure of Complete Binary Operations on {0,1,2}, Reports on  Mathematical Logic, vol. 8. pp. 81-85, 1977.


24           J.A. Bate and J.C. Muzio, Three Cell Structures for Ternary Cellular Array,  IEEE Transactions on  Computer, vol. C-26, pp. 1191-1202, 1977.


23           G. Epstein, D.M. Miller and J.C. Muzio,  Some Preliminary Views on the General Synthesis of

               Electronic Circuits for Symmetric and Partially Symmetric Functions,  Proc. 7th Int. Symposium on

               Multiple-Valued Logic, pp. 29-34, 1977.


22           J.C. Muzio, Three-valued Unary Generators Based On Mouftah’s Primitives,  Proc. of the Seventh Int. Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, , pp. 35-38, 1977.


21           J.C. Muzio, A Complete Classification of Three-place Functors in Two-valued Logic, Notre-Dame

               Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 17. pp. 429-437, 1976.


20           J.C. Muzio, Concerning Completeness and Abelian Semigroups,  Zeitschrift für math Logik und Grundlagen der Math,  vol. 22, pp. 85-86, 1976.


19           J.C. Muzio & D.M. Miller, A Ternary Universal Decision Element, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 

                vol. 17, pp. 632-637, 1976.


18           J.A. Bate & J.C. Muzio, Three Cell structures for Ternary Cellular Arrays, Proc. of the Sixth

               International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic,  pp. 55-60, 1976.


17           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Two-place Decomposition and the Synthesis of Many-valued Switching

               Circuits, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, pp. 164-168,



16           J.C. Muzio, The Size of Some Large Classes of n-valued Sheffer Functions, Reports on Mathematical Logic,  vol. 5, pp. 53-62, 1975.


15           J.C. Muzio, A Particular Universal Function Generator, Electronics Letters, vol. 11, p. 429, 1975.


14           J.C. Muzio, Ternary Two-place Functions that are Complete with Constants, Proceedings of the 1975 International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, pp. 27-33, 1975.


13           J.C. Muzio, Binary Functions that are Complete with Constants over {0,1,2},  Proceedings of the Fifth Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing, pp. 561-570, 1975.


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