Jon C. Muzio

                       Professor - Computer Science

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Journal and Conference 

67           M. Serra & J.C. Muzio, Space Compaction for Multiple-Output Circuits,  IEEE Trans. on CAD of ICs

               and Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 1105 - 1113, 1988.


66           P.K. Lui & J.C. Muzio, A Fast Computer  Algorithm for the Minimization of Fixed Polarity Ring-Sum Functions, 1988 Canadian Conf.  on Very Large Scale Integration, pp. 372 - 378, 1988.


65           M Whitney & J.C. Muzio, Decisive Differences and Partial Differences for Stuck-at Fault Detection

                 in MVL Circuits, Proc. of 18th Int. Symp. on Multiple Valued Logic, pp. 321 -328, 1988, 

                 (IEEE Conference).


64           J.C. Muzio, Spectral Techniques for Digital Testing, in Testing and Diagnosis of VLSI and ULSI,

               (editors: F. Lombardi & M. Sami), Kluwer, The Netherlands, 1988.


63           M. Serra & J.C. Muzio, The Spectral Testing of Multiple-Output Circuits, in Developments in

               Integrated Circuit Testing, (ed. D.M. Miller), Academic Press, London, 1987.


62           J.C. Muzio, F. Ruskey, R. Aitken and M. Serra, Aliasing Probabilities of Data Compression Techniques

               , in Developments in Integrated Circuit Testing, (ed. D.M. Miller), Academic Press, London, 1987.


61           M. Serra & J.C. Muzio, Testing Programmable Logic Arrays by Sum of Syndromes,  IEEE  Trans. on Computers  Vol C-36, pp. 1097 - 1101, 1987.


60           P.K. Lui & J.C. Muzio, Spectral Testing of Multiple Stuck-at Faults in Irredundant Combinational Networks, IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-35, pp. 1088 - 1092, 1986.


59           J.C. Muzio & D.M. Miller, A Spectral Characterization of the Self-Dualized Classification of Boolean Functions,  Int. J. of Electronics, Vol. 61, pp. 65 - 72, 1986.


58           J.C. Muzio & E. Eris, Spectral  Testing of Circuit Realizations Based on Linearization, IEE Proc.,

               Vol. 133, Part E , pp. 73 - 78, 1986.


57           M. Serra & J.C. Muzio, Multiple-Valued Linear Feedback Shift Registers, Proc. of 16th Int. Symp. on Multiple-Valued Logic, pp. 94 - 99, 1986,  (IEEE Conference).  (This paper awarded a Distinctive Contribution Award).


56           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Spectral Techniques for Fault  Detection in Combinatorial Networks,  in 

                Spectral  Techniques and Fault Detection, ( M. Karpovsky, editor) London and New York: Academic

                Press, 1985.


55           J.C. Muzio, Data Compression Techniques for Digital Testing,  Congressus Numerantium , vol. 46.

               pp. 211-236, 1985.


54           J.C. Muzio & M. Serra, Built-in Testing and Design for Testability of Stuck-at-neighbour Faults, Proceedings of 1985 Canadian Conference on Very  Large Scale Integration,  pp. 229-232, 1985.


53           M. Serra & J.C. Muzio, Simplified Syndrome Testing for PLA’s, Proceedings of 14th Manitoba

               Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing,  pp. 271-288, October 1984.


52           J.C. Muzio, Data Compression Techniques for Digital Testing,  Proceedings of 14th Manitoba

              Conference on Numerical and Computing, pp. 211-236, 1984.


51           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Spectral fault signatures for single stuck-at faults in combinational

               networks,   IEEE Transactions on Computers,, vol. C-33, pp. 765-769, 1984.


50           E. Eris & J.C. Muzio, Syndrome and autocorrelation-testable internally unate combinational networks, Electronics Letters,  vol. 20, pp. 264-266, 1984.


49           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Spectral Techniques for Constrained Syndrome Testing, Congressus Numeratium,  vol. 42, pp. 235-250, 1984.


48           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Spectral Fault Signatures for Internally Unate Combinational Networks,

               IEEE Transactions on Comp.  vol C-32, pp. 1058-1062, 1983.


47           J.C. Muzio, D.M. Miller and S.L. Hurst, Multivariable Symmetries and their Detection, IEE Proceedings

               vol. 130, pp. 141-148, 1983.


46           J.C. Muzio, D.M. Miller & G. Epstein, The Simplification of Multiple-valued Symmetric Functions, 

                Proc. 13th  International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic,  pp. 111-119, 1983.


45           D.M. Miller & J.C. Muzio, Spectral Techniques for Constrained Syndrome Testing,  Proceedings of

               12th Manitoba Conference on Mathematics and Computing, 1983.


44           J.C. Muzio & D.M. Miller, Spectral Techniques for Fault Detection, Proc. 12th International

               Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing,  pp. 297-302, 1982.


43           Hurst, S.L., D.M. Miller and J.C. Muzio, Number of Spectral Coefficients Necessary to Identify a Class

               of Boolean Functions, Electronic Letters,  vol. 18, No. 13, pp. 577-579, 1982.


42           J.C. Muzio, D.M. Miller and S.L. Hurst, Spectral Method of Boolean Function Complexity,  Electronic Letters,  vol. 18, No.13, pp. 572-574, 1982.


41           J.C. Muzio &  I.G. Rosenberg, Large Classes of Functionally Complete Groupoids I,  Aequationes Mathematicae, vol. 25, pp. 274-288, 1982.


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