Ingredient tracking is a difficult task for a normal homer user, because it is hard to keep track of how many ingredients used or left after each coolking. However, "meal plan system" provides an efficient and effective way to keep track of home grocery supply by having the amount of ingredients saved in a central ingredient database and keeps it consistent with home grocery supply after user shopping and cooking.
Ingredient input:
It mostly includes two actions: adding new entry and editing current entry. The following screenshots are how our design intended to achieve them:

In the ingredient input field of the program, there are two tables which the left one displays the current ingredient name and the current amount, the right one is for adding the amount, i.e. user should do so after each grocery shopping according his/her print recipt.
At the button of each table, there are two buttons. The button under the left table is for adding new ingredient entry (i.e. if new ingredient is bought and it never appears in the database) and the one under the right table is for updating the ingredient amount to keep ingredient database consistent with home grocery supply(i.e. update after each grocery shapping). Every time when user hits that "update" button, the ingredient database will be updated by the current ingredient table.
Ingredient display
One of the important features of ingredient display is sorting. The list can be display by different preference, such as meat, vegetable, and so on.

Low quantity warning
Another important feature of ingredient display is that the system provides the low quantity warning list for the people who are going to do grocery shopping. All the low-quantity ingredients are marked by the exclamation which is located in front of the ingredients. The following is the screenshot:

Additional feature might be added to populate a list of "low quantity ingredient" list for users to do their next grocery shopping. However, how low quantity for each ingredient is at in order to warn the user may dependent on every different ingredient itself. The program can set a default low quantity value for each ingredient or the program can automatically do warning based on the quantity of ingredients that are no longer enough for users favorite recipes.
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