Journal and Conference
K. Cattell, S. Zhang, M. Serra & J. C. Muzio, 2-by-n Linear
Hybrid Cellular Automata with Regular Configurations, IEEE
Trans. Computers, Vol. 48, pp. 285 - 295, 1999.
M. Serra, E. Wang & J. C. Muzio,
A Multimedia Virtual Lab
for Digital Logic Design, Proc. 1999 International Conference
on Microelectronic Systems Education, pp. 39 – 40, 1999.
E. Dubrova, D.M. Miller & J. C. Muzio,
A Heuristic
Algorithm for AND-OR-XOR Minimization,
Proc. 4th International Workshop on the Applications
of Reed-Muller Expansions in Circuit Design,
pp. 37 – 54, 1999.
J. Rice, M.. Serra & J. C. Muzio,
The Use of
Autocorrelation Coefficients for Variable Ordering for ROBDDs,
Proc. 4th International Workshop on the Applications of Reed-Muller
Expansions in Circuit Design, pp. 185 - 196, 1999.
K. Cattell & J. C. Muzio, An Explicit Similarity Transform
between Cellular Automata and LFSR Matrices, J. of Finite Fields
and their Applications, Vol. 14, pp. 239 - 251, 1998.
E. V. Dubrova & J. C. Muzio,
The Spectrality Decision Problem,
J. of Approximation Theory and Applications,Vol. 14, pp. 73 - 84,
K. Cattell & J. C. Muzio, Partial Symmetry in Cellular Automata
Rule Vectors, J. of Electronic
Testing, Theory and Applications, Vol. 11, pp. 187 -
190, 1997.
E. Dubrova, D.M. Miller & J. C. Muzio,
On the Best ROBDD
Variable Ordering for Functions with Disjunctive Decompositions,
Elec. Letters, Vol. 33, pp. 239 - 251, 1997.
K. Cattell & J. C. Muzio, The Synthesis of One-Dimensional Linear
Hybrid Cellular Automata, IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of
Int. Circs. and Sys, Vol.15, pp. 325 - 335, 1996.
D. Wessels & J. C. Muzio,
The Dangers of Simplistic Delay
Models, J. of Electronic Testing, Theory
and Applications, Vol. 8, pp. 61 - 70, 1996.
S. Zhang, D. M. Miller & J. C. Muzio, Notes on Complexity of
the Lookup Table Minimization
Problem for FPGA Technology Mapping', IEEE
Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Int. Circs. and Sys,
Vol.15, pp. 1588 - 90, 1996.
K. Cattell & J. C. Muzio, The Analysis of One-Dimensional Linear
Hybrid Cellular Automata over
GF(q), IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 45, pp.
782 - 792,1996.
E. V. Dubrova & J. C. Muzio,
Generalized Reed-Muller Canonical
Form for a Multiple-Valued
Algebra, Multiple-Valued Logic, An
International Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 104 -109, 1996.
E. V. Dubrova & J. C. Muzio,
Testability of Generalized
Multiple-Valued Reed-Muller Circuits,
Proc. 26th Int. Symp. on Multiple Valued Logic, pp.
56 - 61, May 1996 (IEEE Conference).
S. Zhang, R. Byrne, J. C. Muzio & D. M. Miller, Quantitative
Analysis for Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata and LFSR as Built-In
Self-Test Generators for Sequential Faults, J. of Electronic
Testing: Theory and Applications, Vol. 7, pp. 209 - 221, 1995 .
E. Dubrova, D.M. Miller & J. C. Muzio,
Upper Bounds on
the Number of Products in the
AND/OR/XOR Expansion of Logic Functions, Elec.
Letters, Vol. 31, pp. 541 - 542, 1995.
X. Sun, E. Kontopidi, M. Serra & J. C. Muzio,
The Concatenation
and Partitioning of Linear Finite
State Machines, Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 78,
pp. 809 - 839, 1995.
S. Zhang & J. C. Muzio, Evaluating the Safety of Self-Checking
Circuits, J. of Electronic Testing:
Theory and Applications, Vol. 6, pp. 243 - 253, 1995.
D. Wessels & J.C. Muzio,
Analyzing and Improving Delay Defect
Tolerance in Pipelined
Combinational Circuits, 1995 IEEE
International Workshop on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI
Systems, 1995.
D. Wessels & J.C. Muzio, Timing Optimisation through Pipelining
and Limited Gate Resizing, 1995
ACM International Workshop on Timing Issues in
the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems,
H. ElGebaly, A. Sabaa, J. C. Muzio & F. ElGuibaly, Performance
Evaluation of a Window Base
Approach for ATM Cell Scheduling, 1995 Can.
Conf. on Elec. & Comp. Engrr., Montréal, 1995.
A. Sabaa, H. ElGebaly, F. ElGuibaly & J. C. Muzio ,
Implementation of a Window Based Scheduler in
an ATM Switch, 1995 Can. Conf. on Elec. &
Comp. Engrr., Montréal, 1995.
S. Zhang, D. M. Miller & J. C. Muzio, Quantitative Measures of
Pseudorandom BIST Generators and
the Improvement of Delay Fault Coverage,
1st IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop, 1995.
H. ElGebaly, J. C. Muzio & F. ElGuibaly, Input Smoothing with
Buffering: A New Technique for
Queuing in Fast Packet Switching, Proc. IEEE
Pac. Rim Conf. on Comm., Comp., & Sign. Processing,
pp. 59 - 62, 1995 (abstract refereed).
E. Dubrova, D. Gurov & J. C. Muzio,
The Evaluation of
Full Sensitivity for Test Generation in MVL Circuits, Proc. 25th
Int. Symp. on Multiple Valued Logic, pp. 104 - 109, 1995 (IEEE
H. ElGebaly, J. C. Muzio & F. ElGuibaly, On Concurrent Error
Detection of
Finite State
Proc. IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 213 - 216,
S. Zhang, R. Byrne, J. C. Muzio & D. M. Miller,
Why Cellular
Automata are better than LFSRs as
Built-In Self-Test Generators for Sequential-type
Faults, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits & Systems
94, pp. 69 - 72, 1994 .
E. Dubrova, D. Gurov & J. C. Muzio,
Full Sensitivity and Test
Generation for Multiple-Valued Logic Circuits, Proc. of 24th
Int. Symp. on Multiple Valued Logic, pp. 284 - 288, 1994, (IEEE
X. Luo & J. C. Muzio,
A Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Cache
Memory, . Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Memory
Techniques, Design and Testing, pp. 52 - 57, 1994.
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