Jon C. Muzio

                       Professor - Computer Science

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Current Graduate  Students

Ph. D. Jing Zhong started in September, 2003

Ph. D. Laurence Yang (part time) started in May, 2000.
Faculty Member, St. Francis Xavier University

M. Sc. Darshika Pereira started in May, 2003.

M. Sc. James Calver started in April, 2000, expected completion Fall, 2003

M. Sc. Cary Feldstein started in September, 2002

M. Sc. Diane Qi started in September, 2003.

M. Sc. Lin Sun started in October, 2001.

Ph. D. Students Graduated

[1976]  D.M. Miller Decomposition in Many-Valued Logic Design
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Victoria

[1977]  R. E. Knispel Aspects of Sequential Machine Synthesis
Computing Services, University of Manitoba

[1987] M. Serra New Methods for the Compaction Testing of
Multiple-Output Digital Circuits
Professor, Computer Science, University of Victoria

[1990 P. Lui Simplified Theory of Boolean Functions
Nortel - NSM, Vancouver

[1993]  M. Whitney Minterm-Based Search Algorithms for Two-Level
Minimization of Discrete Functions
Private consultant

[1993]  X. Luo A High-Performance Fault-Tolerant Cache Memory for
Hardware  Designer, Vanguard International
Semiconductor, California

[1995]  K. Cattell Characteristic Polynomials of One-Dimensional
Linear Hybrid Cellular  Automata
Agilent, Rohnert Park, California

[1995]  D. Wessels Randomized Algorithms in Path Sensitization
for Circuit  Optimization and Delay Fault
Faculty Member, Malaspina University College

[1997]  E. Dubrova Boolean and Multiple-Valued Functions in
Logic Synthesis
Faculty Member, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

[1998]  S. Zhang Randomized Evaluation in Built-In Self-Test
Norrtel, Ottawa

[1998]  H. ElGebaly On Performance Improvement of Restricted
Bandwidth Multimedia Conferencing over
Packet Switched Networks
Intel, Portland, Oregon

[2003]  J. Rice Autocorrelation Coefficients in the Representation

and Classification of Switching Functions
Faculty member, University of Lethbridge

Masters  Students Graduated

[1970]  A. Bibik A Study of Sampling, Smoothing and
Segmentation of Speech for Recognition
by Computers

[1971]  W. Doran A Method for Judging and Improving System
Performance of a Computer  Installation

[1971]  R. Knispel Boolean Minimization Methods
Computing Services, University of Manitoba

[1973]  D.M. Miller Decomposition Techniques for Nand Circuits
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Victoria

[1982]  J. Ho The Application of Spectral Techniques to Fault
Detection and Isolation
Systems Analyst, City of Winnipeg

[1984]  B. Iyer Classification and Digital Synthesis Using Spectral Techniques
Mobile Data International, Vancouver

[1983]  P.K. Lui The Application of Spectral Techniques to the
Detection of Single and Multiple
Stuck-at Faults in Irredundant  Combinational  Networks
Nortel - NSM, Vancouver

[1984]  M. Serra Multiple-Output Minimization of Switching Functions
Professor, Computer Science, University of Victoria

[1986]  R. Aitken Performance Measure of Data Compression
Techniques in Fault Detection
Agilent, Palo Alto California

[1989]  V. Liu Fault Detection in Combinatorial Networks Using Reed
Muller and Modified Reed Muller Spectral
Systems support, private industry, Victoria

[1990]  G. Akin A Comparison of Probabilistic and Fuzzy Inference for
Expert Systems
Computer Consultant, Vancouver

[1990]  D. Wessels The Cost and Fault Coverage of Unidirectional
Error  Detecting Codes for Concurrent Checking in
Faculty Member, Malaspina University College

[1991]  M. Hassan The Selection of Better Polynomials to Reduce
Aliasing in Signature Analysis
Faculty Member, Monash University College, Australia

[1992]  E. Kontopidi The Partitioning Behaviour of Linear Finite
State Machines and VLSI Applications
Technical Support Consultant, Oracle Hellas, Greece

[1993]  T. Pelton The Reliability of Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips
Ph. D. student, Brigham Young University

[1993]  S. Zhang BIST Generators for Faults with Sequential Behaviour
Nortel, Ottawa

[1995]  J. Crow Variable Ordering for ROBDD-Based FPGA Logic Synthesis
Faculty member, University of Lethbridge

[1997]  W. Tian Test Set Generation Using Linear Finite State Machines
Nortel, Ottawa

[1999]  K. Kent Transparent Remote Execution of Java Threads
Faculty member, University of New Brunswick

[2000]  E. Bonneville The Development of a Software System to
Assist in the Cognitive
Rehabilitation of Persons with Brain Injuries.

[2001]  E. Toaxen An Image Searching Tool Using Wavelet Watermarking.
Systems support, Victoria

[2001]  J. Bingham Genetic evolution of Nonlinear Cellular
Automata for Built-In Self-Test of
Combinational Circuits.
Ph D student, UBC

[2002]  R. Jin A Study of Flow Control in GPRS Network

[2003]  Jie Xia Zhu Two-dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular
Automata as Test Pattern Generators in VLSI Testing.

[2003]  D. Hogg Analyzing Parameters: Improving Genetic Evolution of
Nonlinear Cellular Automata for Built-In Self-Test of Combinational
Programmer analyst, University of Victoria

[2003]  J. Zhong Nonlinear Machines as Pseudo Random Pattern
Generators for Digital Testing.
Ph D student, University of Victoria

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