Micaela Serra
Cellular Automata |
What is a Cellular Automata?
The best start is a fairly tutorial paper containing a good overview of our research on Cellular Automata: "One Dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata: Their Synthesis, Properties and Applications in VLSI Testing".
Software to generate primitive and irreducible Cellular Automata. Please contact mserra@uvic.ca directly. We had to disconnect direct access to the software for security reasons.
Tables of useful Cellular Automata.
- Up to degree 300, from minimum weight primitive polynomials to CA, minimum weight CA (article in Jetta 1995).
- "2xn Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata with Regular Configuration: Theory and Applications", K. Cattell, S. Zhang, M. Serra and J.C. Muzio, IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 48, no.3, 1999, pp.285-295. ABSTRACT.
- "Partial symmetry in cellular automata rule vectors", K. Cattell and J.C. Muzio, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 1997.
- "The Synthesis of One-Dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata" [Abstract only] K. Cattell & J. C. Muzio, IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, Vol.15, pp. 325 - 335, 1996. ABSTRACT
- "The Analysis of One-Dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata over GF(q)", K. Cattell & J. C. Muzio, IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol.45, pp. 782 - 792, 1996. ABSTRACT
- "Quantitative Analysis for Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata and LFSR as Built-In Self-Test Generators for Sequential Faults", S. Zhang, R. Byrne, J. C. Muzio & D. M. Miller, J. of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Vol. 7, pp. 209 - 221, 1995 .
- "Minimal Cost One-Dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata of Degree through 500", K. Cattell & S. Zhang, J. of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Vol. 6, pp. 255 - 258, 1995. [FULL PAPER]
- "Quantitative Measures of Pseudorandom BIST Generators and the Improvement of Delay Fault Coverage", S. Zhang, D. M. Miller & J. C. Muzio, 1st IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop, July 1995.
- "The Concatenation and Partitioning of Linear Finite State Machines", X. Sun, E. Kontopidi, M. Serra & J. C. Muzio, Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 78, pp. 809 - 839, 1995. [FULL PAPER]
- "Why Cellular Automata are better than LFSRs as Built-In Self-Test Generators for Sequential-type Faults", S. Zhang, R. Byrne, J. C. Muzio & D. M. Miller, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits & Systems 94, pp. 69 - 72, May 1994 .
- "The Partitioning of Linear Registers for Testing Applications", E. Kontopidi & J. C. Muzio, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 24, pp. 533 - 546, 1993.
- "BIST Generators for Sequential Faults", S. Zhang, R. Byrne & D. M. Miller, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Design, pp. 260 - 263, 1992
- "Merging Concurrent Checking and Off-line BIST", X. Sun & M. Serra, Proc. IEEE Int. Test Conf., pp. 958 - 967, 1992.
- "The Determination of Minimal Cost One-Dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata", S. Zhang, D.M. Miller & J. C. Muzio, Elec. Lett., Vol. 27, pp. 1625 - 1627, 1991.
- "Cellular Automata Techniques for Compaction Based BIST", D.M. Miller, J. C. Muzio, M. Serra, X. Sun, S. Zhang & R. D. McLeod, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circs. & Sys., May 1991.
- "A Study of the Fault Coverage of LFSR and CA Pseudo-random Test Pattern Generators", D.M. Miller & S. Zhang , Proc. 5th Technical Workshop, New Directions in IC Testing, 1991.
- "A Lanczos Algorithm in a Finite Field and its Application", M. Serra & T. Slater, J. of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 7, pp. 11 - 32, 1990.
- "The Analysis of One-Dimensional Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata", K. Cattell & M. Serra, Proc. 20th Int. Symp. on Mult.-Val. Logic, pp. 402 - 409, 1990.
- "The Analysis of Linear Cellular Automata and their Aliasing Properties", M. Serra, T.Slater, J.C. Muzio and D.M.Miller, IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 9, pp. 767 - 778, 1990. ABSTRACT