Please see the
proceedings page to download the full
proceedings as a PDF file. Individual papers can be downloaded
by clicking on the links below.
See Location:
September 22, 2003.
8:30-8:45 |
8:45-10:15 |
(tutorial slides)
Chair: Jonathan Maletic, Kent
State University
Thinking with Interactive Visualization
Dr. Colin Ware
Data Visualization Research Lab. University of New Hampshire.
This talk will outline a theory of how reasoning can be augmented
with visualizations of data. According to current cognitive theory
both visual and verbal-logical processes rely on limited capacity
working memories. Active attention is a core process guiding problem
solving through a set of nested cognitive control loops. To take
advantage of visualizations, problems are converted into visual
hypotheses in the form of prototypical patterns. Active attention,
"grasps" relevant patterns from the visual display to test hypotheses
and find solutions. In addition visual symbols extend our memory
capacity by evoking verbal/logical constructs causing them to be
loaded into non-visual working memory. This theory is elaborated with
examples from the way people work with maps and software diagrams.
We are also indebted to NWO, the Netherlands Organization for
Scientific Research, for covering the costs of the keynote tutorial by
Colin Ware. |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:00 |
Workshop Part I: Short presentations Tools &
Chair: Claire Knight, Durham University
UML Class Diagrams-State of the
Art in Layout Techniques
Holger Eichelberger and Jurgen Wolff von Gudenberg,
Wurzburg University, Germany
Techniques for
Reducing the Complexity of Object-Oriented Execution Traces
Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj and Timothy C.
School of Information Technology and Engineering ( SITE ),
University of Ottawa
ADG: Annotated Dependency Graphs for
Software Understanding
Ahmed E. Hassan and Richard C. Holt
Software Architecture Group (SWAG), University of Waterloo
Exploring the Many Architectures of a Very
Large Component-Based Software
Jean-MarieFavre, R. Sanlaville, and J. Estublier
Adele Team, Laboratoire LSR-IMAG,
University of Grenoble, France
AutoCode: Using Memex-like Trails to Improve
Program Comprehension
Richard Wheeldon, Steve Counsell,
Kevin Keenoy
Dept of Computer Science, University of London |
12:00-2:00 |
Hands-on Collaborative Demo (with a short Break for Lunch)
Exploring the Many Architectures of a Very
Large Component-Based Software
Jean-MarieFavre, R. Sanlaville, and J. Estublier
Adele Team, Laboratoire LSR-IMAG,
University of Grenoble, France
CodeCrawler - A
Michele Lanza, Software Composition Group-University of Bern, Switzerland
AutoCode: Using Memex-like Trails to Improve
Program Comprehension
Richard Wheeldon, Steve Counsell,
Kevin Keenoy
Dept of Computer Science, University of London
Demonstration of Advanced Layout
of UML Class Diagrams by SugiBib
Holger Eichelberger and Jurgen Wolff von Gudenberg, Wurzburg University, Germany
GENISOM: Self-Organizing
Maps Applied in Visualising Large Software Collections
James Brittle and Cornelia Boldyreff, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Durham
Source Viewer 3D (sv3D): A
System for Visualizing Multi Dimensional Software Analysis Data
Andrian Marcus, Louis Feng, Jonathan I. Maletic
Affiliation: Kent State University
Integrating A Visualization Tool with Eclipse
Robert Lintern, Margaret-Anne Storey, Xiaomin Wu, Jeff
CHISEL Group, University of Victoria |
2:00-2:30 |
Discussion on Hands on tool
Chair: Margaret-Anne Storey
Tool users and participants will be
invited to share their insights and observations from the tool
demonstrations. |
2:30-3:30 |
Workshop Part II
Requirements and Challenges for Software
Chair: Arie Van Deursen
Program Visualization
Support for Highly Iterative Development Environments
Michele Lanza, Software Composition Group-University of Bern, Switzerland
Challenges in Visualizing and Reconstructing
Architectural Views
Juergen Rilling and Michel Lizotte
Department of Computer Science, Concordia University and Defense
R&D, Canada
Requirements for Visualizing Version Control Information
Xiaomin Wu, Adam Murray, Margaret-Anne Storey, Robert Lintern
University of Victoria
Visualization for
Software Risk Assessments
Jordi Vidal Rodriguez and Tobias Kuipers
Software Improvement Group
Discussion |
3:30-4:00 |
Break |
4:00-4:45 |
Session: Visualizing Software in 3D -- When Should We?
Chair: Colin Ware, University of New Hampshire
MetaViz – Issues in Software Visualizing
Beyond 3D
Juergen Rilling, Jianqun Wang, and S. P. Mudur
Department of Computer Science, Concordia University
KScope: A Modularized Tool for 3D
Visualization of Object-Oriented Programs
Timothy A. Davis, Kenneth Pestka, and Alan Kaplan
Clemson University and Panasonic Technologies Inc
Self-Organizing Maps Applied in
Visualising Large Software Collections
James Brittle and Cornelia Boldyreff
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Durham
Discussion |
4:45-5:30 |
Session: Improving Software Visualization -- How Can We?
Chair: Susan Sim, University of California at Irvine
The end of the line for Software
Stuart M. Charters, Nigel Thomas, and
Malcolm Munro
Visualisation Research Group, Durham University
CFB: A Call For Benchmarks
- for Software Visualization
Jonathan I. Maletic and Andrian Marcus
Kent State University
Discussion |
5:30-5:45 |
Wrap-up and summary discussion,
Margaret-Anne Storey Presentation slides |
6:00-9:00 |
Drinks at 6pm; Dinner at 7pm at
Liefhebber Restaurant,
Kloveniersburgwal 5,
1011 JT Amsterdam
Tel. +31 20 4200418 |